Secondary groups
Groups are constituted for some specific aims, after achieving the goal the members will not maintain required relations within the group. The relationships are indirect, short and formal. They are representatives os a cold world. Individuals do not have any interest in the pleasure and pain. Relations among them are competative, casual and impersonal. Demands of person receive segments of their time & attention.
Characteristics of secondary Group Position of the member depends upon their role & status. Individuality develops in the persons because of their relations are based on self-interest. Self dependence among members. Large size. No physical closeness. Formed for some purpose after attaining it they are no more required.
Do not have control on the members as it is large in size. Lack of personal relationships, stability. Has the limited acquaintance and responsibility. Group form with definite objective, its function is not spontaneous. Members play active & passive role. Possibility of development of individuality.
Importance of secondary Groups The needs are satisfied in the group with the advance technology & associated with social change. This group will satisfy the needs of society and individual. The growth of social group has created some problems and many benefits. Rules formed by the group will increase the efficiency of the work. Delegation of authority, co-ordination and planning of the activities will be implemented.
Channels of opportunity is wide, individuals can develop themselves by using their talents. Wide out look, large number of members, localities. It breaks the barriers of class, caste & province.