Why was there another world war? Key words: Appeasement, rearmament Why was there another world war?
starter activity Study the cartoon opposite. What can you learn from this image about reactions to the Treaty? Cartoon published in 1920
Which countries would you invade if you were Hitler?
Your task 1933 1936 1938 1939
Countdown to Conflict 1933 – Hitler came to power and began rearmament 1936 –German troops occupied Rhineland 1938 – Marched into Austria 1938 –Occupied Sudetenland 1939 – Invaded Czechoslovakia
Munich Peace Agreement The Munich Peace Agreement happened when Chamberlain met Hitler in 1938.
In 1938 the British PM Neville Chamberlain pursued a policy called ‘appeasement’. Was he a coward or champion of peace?
Reasons for Appeasement Military – weak armies not ready for war Economic – still recovering from the Great Depression so very little money available Political – people did not want war Other – fear of communism and internal chaos
Arguments for Appeasement Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany – Hitler was claiming back was rightfully Germany’s A strong Germany could help stop the spread of Communism led by Stalin Britain lacked the strength in 1938 to stand up to Hitler – it gave the country time to prepare for war There was no support for another war in Britain in the 1930s
Arguments against Appeasement It gave Hitler time to prepare for war It was cowardly – Hitler had broken international law and should have been confronted Chamberlain was too willing to trust Hitler – a dictator Chamberlain missed the chance to take on Germany before it had fully re-armed
Plenary Give 3 reasons why Germans were angry with the Treaty of Versailles? What were the key events which led to the start of WWII? Explain ‘appeasement’ Give 3 arguments for /against Do you think Britain/Chamberlain was to blame for the start of WWII?