SEND Strategy Shaping the Future of SEND in Hertfordshire SEND in Hertfordshire and DSPL Debbie Orton Head of Integrated Services for Learning
Year 2 – cultural shift, embedding and moving forward SEND Strategy Shaping the Future of SEND in Hertfordshire Year 1 – compliance with statutory timescales, new language and processes Year 2 – cultural shift, embedding and moving forward Year 3 and beyond – focus on quality of provision and evidence of positive impact
SEND Strategy Shaping the Future of SEND in Hertfordshire
SEND Strategy Shaping the Future of SEND in Hertfordshire “All cyp with SEND 0-25 have access to high quality local provision that meets their needs. Schools, early years settings, colleges, services, families and the LA work together to support cyp to make good progress and achieve outcomes that prepare them for adulthood.”
10 workstreams Some completed Some near completion Some ongoing SEND Strategy Shaping the Future of SEND in Hertfordshire 10 workstreams Some completed Some near completion Some ongoing 2 new workstreams Early Years DSPL Phase 2
Tiered Approach Specialist Tier 3 Targeted Tier 2 Universal Tier 1
Delivery and Decision Making SEND Strategy Shaping the Future of SEND in Hertfordshire SEND EXEC DSPL AREA GROUPS SCHOOLS FORUM HLN SUB GROUP WORK STREAMS
1 2 3 5 7 8 4 6 9
All schools to have a generic email address for SENCos