to the 2014-15 school year in Mrs. Pachur’s room!! l Welcome! to the 2014-15 school year in Mrs. Pachur’s room!! l 4/14/2019
English Language Arts 4/14/2019
Information Curriculum: Springboard (online text), Wordly Wize, Achieve 3000/TeenBiz, Google Docs, Journal Blogs, fiction and nonfiction interest reading Year Class Required to Promote Digital Based using 1-1 MacBook Student Led Portfolio 4/14/2019
Classroom Expectations be in your assigned seat when the bell rings get supplies listed daily on the board warm up/bell work start activity for the day finish assignment work until instructed to clean up be respectful and do your best work {HABITS of MIND} push in your chairs 4/14/2019
Daily Requirements & Absences An excused absence: you have one day per absence to complete make up work. Detentions: Parents should request work and/or email teacher for missed assignments Every student must have a planner every day Pencil and notebook (provided by teacher) MacBook open and logged on when class begins 4/14/2019
Grading GRADING: Grading will occur on a variety of assignments including: bell work, Teen Biz, Wordly Wize, group work, notes, attendance, participation, homework, tests, quizzes, projects, portfolio, Google docs assignments and behavior. It is your responsibility to keep track of your grade on the grade sheet and on Parent Connection through the School Website. Grades and progress on goals will be updated and current at least twice a quarter. Grading Scale: A/4 100-89 B/3 88-78 C/2 77-67 D/1 66-55 4/14/2019
Extra Credit You can earn passes in the following ways: having perfect attendance each grading period 100% journal entries Holiday tickets and birthday passes 100% Completed homework for the unit will earn 1 pass Team Bucks Students CAN SAVE PASSES AND USE THEM WHENEVER they WANT. They are good until the end of the semester and are worth 1 bonus point each. ***not bathroom tickets 4/14/2019
Parent Connection Parents can get a password to connect to the district website, Jupiter Grades Using this link parents can check student grades, attendance, sports activities, and put money in the lunch accounts Parents will have access to all the students in the family at any Central District school using the one password Parents can either send the teacher an email through the school staff contact page, send a note with students, or call and leave a message with the office. 4/14/2019