Chad Nickell Sean Martin Chris Rothe Daniel Shay AMPLINE Chad Nickell Sean Martin Chris Rothe Daniel Shay 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Presentation Overview Objectives Approach Sub-systems Considerations and Upgrades Schedule and Division of Labor Economics 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Description The Ampline System will control a camera to follow a hockey puck through a negative feedback loop. 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Previous Implementations FoxTrax- Used IR LEDs embedded in the puck and a multitude of sensors to locate and then illuminate the puck onscreen. Implementation required a separate “puck truck” to process the data. The system was expensive and widely despised by the hockey community. 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Ampline Implementation RF Transmitter embedded in puck 3 RF receivers used for triangulation Control system for camera position adjustment Motor system with pitch and yaw adjustment 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Camera and Receiver PUCK 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Receivers
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay System Overview Tripod Transmitter Motors Core Control Receivers 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Transmitter Produces a RF pulse with a designated code Low power for extended battery life Low cost per transmitter due to frequent loss of pucks Low temperature operation High G tolerance 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay System Overview Tripod Transmitter Motors Core Control Receivers 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Receivers Receive the RF code from the transmitter Output data corresponding to a position or direction vector 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay System Overview Tripod Transmitter Motors Core Control Receivers 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Control System Gets data from receivers Process time data Output camera movement data Control receiver synchronization 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay System Overview Tripod Transmitter Motors Core Control Receivers 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Motor/Camera Assembly Mounting tripod for camera Motors for adjusting camera angle 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Considerations Size of transmitter - less than 2.25 in2 Environment – Pucks stored at 0°C Battery Life High G-forces – Upwards of 100 G RF interference Motor speed/Camera response Stability of camera 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Risks RF signal doesn’t provide necessary voltage resolution Motors not fast enough to keep up Inability to overcome RF interference Implementation of transmitter inside of puck (power) 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Contingency Plans Shift to an angular triangulation method Track at low speed Track puck on a computer screen Increase power of transmitter at expense of real world functionality 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Additional Upgrades Definition of playing area for detection of goals and puck leaving the ice Java Applet for web based puck tracking “Per player” RF transmitters for tracking player movement 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Tasks Power Core microprocessor Transmitter/Receiver PCB Software development Motor Control Mechanical design of tripod 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Schedule 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Division of Labor Chad Motor Control Power Daniel Core microprocessor Transmitter/Receiver PCB Sean Lead software development Mechanical design of tripod Chris Motor control 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Marketability National Hockey League television ratings are low, a fact often attributed to a lack of watch ability. Increase watchablility, therefore, increase ratings. Ratings=money. Example: NFL TV contracts total around $6 Billion. Also expandable to other sports and applications. Web based expansion would be marketable to online sports sites (,, etc). 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Cost Estimates Description Price Quantity Total Processor Motorola 68000 12.00 1 12.00 Transmitter 12.00-35.00 1 12.00-35.00 Receiver 15.00-50.00 3 45.00-150.00 Motors 15.00-50.00 2 30.00-100.00 All Misc Components 60.00-100.00 1 60.00-100.00 Total 169.00-397.00 Potential Return on Investment Profit per puck $10 Profit per system $1,000,000 Profit for idea $1,000,000 Total Profit $50,000,000 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay
Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay Questions? 4/18/2019 Nickell, Martin, Rothe, Shay