EventPlanner What is it? What does it do? How is the architecture like? Who wants it, and who will support it? Is this really true?
EventPlanner What is it? EventPlanner is a social events organizer. This tool is intended for personal use, but it can be extended with more features for an organizational use.
EventPlanner What does it do? Helps plan events with your friends Helps share photos taken at events Allow users to create accounts, add friends, sign up for events, create events, upload pictures Notify users of the upcoming events, of the pictures uploaded Depending on the type an event, suggestions will be provided, such as, weather condition, direction, restaurants, top movies etc.
EventPlanner How is the architecture like? Infrastructure: Web server, Browser, Database Database keeps track of users, groups, calendars, events, photos, etc. Tools to extract information from various sites and store it in the database to provide suggestions
EventPlanner Who wants it, and who will support it? Aimed at people who usually spend time with friends and looking for an easier way to plan an activity with their friends. Funding will be provided by advertisers. Developers will be responsible for both technical supports and new features.
EventPlanner Is this really true? Yes, 10 weeks + 6 or more CS students, this project is possible.