C Company METL Assessment 26 Apr 17
Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic Proficient Untrained Military Trained Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Academic Assessment Untrained Strengths Weaknesses ESP “quiet-hours”, gallery privileges restricted Used out of barracks study areas (Library, Academic bldgs. Weaknesses Violation of privileges(gaming systems, TV’s) Underutilized tutors & Academic Support Center
Academic Assessment Cum GPA last year Cum GPA this year Class Absences last year Class Absences this year Number Academically Deficient last year Number Academically Deficient this year 1C 3.225 3.00 58 243+3 1 2C 3.011 2.88 61 172+16 3 3C 2.934 3.025 30 100+10 2 4C 2.828 1.935 31 33+23 4 Total 3.007 2.77 180 600 8 8* #Excused+Unexcused * 14 Cadets below 2.5
Academic Pillar Strategy Develop in-Company tutor system Increase frequency in which Sqd Ldr checks people Encourage personnel to use out of barracks study locations Highlight “at-risk” cadets and develop academic plan
Military Assessment Trained Strengths Weaknesses Improvements in discipline during parade SMI performance exponentially improved Elimination of culture/traditions detrimental to good order & discipline Weaknesses MRI’s Lack of personal accountability Individual disciplinary actions
Military Assessment Avg parade results last year Avg parade results this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year Suitability Boards last year Suitability Boards this year 1C n/a 1 2C 4 3C 5 2 4C Total 13 18 11 9
Military Pillar Strategy Empower NCOs (Pick the right people for the job) Establish reward/punishment for parade results Create alternative disciplinary actions to complement regular PRs Zero tolerance for violations of Rules & Regs
Moral-Ethical Assessment Proficient Strengths Zero tolerance of situations regarding Honor No sexual harassment/assault accusations Education & setting tone at the top Weaknesses Problems being solved at the lowest level Peer pressure
Moral-Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations this year Number of honor accusations last year Number of “in violation” honor findings last year Number of “in violation” honor findings this year Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year 1C 1 2C 3C 1* 4C Total 2 * Cadet resigned in lieu of honor trial.
Moral-Ethical Pillar Strategy Continuous education about Honor Understand consequences of HV and Sexual Harassment/Assault Empower people to do have integrity and moral courage
Physical Effectiveness Assessment Trained Strengths PT attendance and participation Morale increase Weaknesses Communication with Athletic Officer Greater effort from all 4 classes
Physical Effectiveness Assessment CPFT avg last year CPFT avg this year Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of H & W failures last year Number of H & W failures this year 1C 236 204.6 1 2C 230 219.84 3 6 3C 224 227.49 2 4C 237 207.27 Total 231.75 222.74 7 11
Physical Effectiveness Pillar Strategy Physical Fitness is personal accountability Greater reward and consequence for exceeding standard or failing respectively Nutrition plans, workout plans by a professional
Company Commander/TAC Comments Focus: Culture change - Positive command climate Need for empowered NCOs (Accountability) Better connection between Academic Advisor and Command Team Improvement of discipline in ranks Feedback loop