LOG ON, LEARN An exciting e_inclusion Programme An Intel, Microsoft, an Post collaboration Lisa Harlow National Program Owner
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL Log On Learn Log On, Learn is an easy and friendly way for older people to learn how to use computers. Log On, Learn is a programme designed to 'buddy up' a participating transition-year student with an older person from their local community to share skills with each other. 1:1 training, based on individual interests, is the solution
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL About the Program We developed program materials that are user friendly and relevant to the older person, put a process in place that allowed students to take ownership and share their skills Training designed on meaningful usage models: Communication, Entertainment, Travel, Learning, Leisure, Finance, shopping and mobile phones The one to one nature of learning means that older people can learn about what they want to, at their own pace. Lessons usually take place in the school room, where the focus is on fun, sharing skills, stories and learning for life.
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL About the Program(contd) TY student shares –knowledge of how to use a PC and mouse - basic MS Word, and Internet, even mobile phones –confidence to overcome the fear factor surrounding new technologies Older Person shares –ability to relate and communicate –life experience
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL Stakeholders Michael OLeary – Dept of Education TY National Co- ordinator (endorsement sought and granted April 08) Secondary Schools/ Teachers TY students Intel – course design inc. 8 weekly modules Microsoft – helpline and website An Post – national television advert National Launch Date - 1st Oct 2008 – during Positive Ageing Week
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL How to get involved Website: TV ad campaign up to June 11 followed by radio ad in Sep 11 Full online training materials, including the 9 weekly lesson plans Guides for teacher, participant and student tutors plus Train the Trainer session for teachers to deliver
List of schools in area selected : Kildare
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL It really worked! Sept 08 – June 09: 150 schools, 2250 older people trained
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL It really worked! Sept 09 – June 10: 162 schools, 2430 older people trained
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL It really worked! Sept 10 – June 11: 147 schools, 2205 older people trained
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL It really worked! Sept 11 – June 12: 171 schools, 2565 older people trained
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL SUMMARY – Win, Win, Win This opportunity is engaging young people in an initiative, which is changing older peoples lives This is a unique, cross-generational learning experience: Win for the Older Participants Connectivity and inclusion – online shopping, eGovt services, travel timetables/tickets, support groups, health info Enjoyment of the social interaction Gain a better understanding of younger people Win for the Student, Teachers and Schools Marketing skills Teaching/relating skills Brush up their own IT skills Understanding and tolerance of others
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL Feedback from Participants and Students The Log on Learn program opened up a whole new world of communication for me Participant I really enjoyed interacting with my tutor and meeting other people with the same expectations. Participant Completing the LOL program gave me a great feeling of achievement and it was a very knowledgeable experience. Participant I really enjoyed working with the elderly and the great feeling of helping others. Student The best part of the LOL program for me was getting to know my buddie. Student
INTEL CONFIDENTIAL TY LOL Feedback from Teachers We are running the course at the moment with 2 transition year groups, we have approximately 16 students in each class. It is great to be giving something back to the community and both, students and tutors are really enjoying it and benefiting immensely. We were only allowed to run it outside school hours. computer room not available. We started at 4pm and continued till 5 approx. We served tea and coffee afterwards, students did this as part of the community challenge for the gaisce award. It was a great success last year and the it was praised in the community and on local radio.