Digitus = finger, toe, inch Latin Digit: finger, numeral from 0-9, unit of measure of a finger Digital computer- A computer which uses numerals to mean whole numbers and decimal fractions.
Caput, capitis =head Latin Capital: top of a column; head, chief or foundation money. Captain: Head of a group of soldiers
Manus =hand Latin Manuscript: writing, written by hand Manufacture: make by hand
Pes, pedis = foot Latin Pedal: foot lever Pedicure: care for the feet
Bracchium = arm Latin Bracelet: ornament for the arm or wrist Embrace: to take into one’s arms
Dens, dentis = tooth Latin Dentist: tooth doctor Dent: tooth-like notch in gears, locks, etc; a small depression
Corpus, corporis =body Latin Corporation: legally formed group- a body Corpse: dead body
Unus = one Latin United: together as one Unicorn: mythical horse with one horn on its head
Duo = two Latin Duet: music played or sung by two people Duel: fight between two people
Tres = three Latin Tricycle: A three wheeled vehicle Trio: three acting or performing together
Quattuor = four Latin Quadruped: four footed animal Quatrain: a stanza or verse of poetry four lines long.
Quinque = five Latin Quinquennial: five- year period or celebration Quinquesyllable:a word of five syllables
Sex = six Latin Sexdigital: having six fingers or toes Sexennial: six-year period or celebration
Septem = seven Latin September: seventh month in Roman calendar Septuagenarian: person who is 70 to 79 years old
Octo = eight Latin October: eighth month in old Roman calendar Octagon: figure with eight sides