The Study and Production of Texts Semester 2 Lesson 1
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ADMIN: Dates Aims Marking
Dates Semester II Monday Group 10. END-OF-COURSE TEST 13/05 04/03 11/03 18/03 25/03 01/04 08/04 15/04 Easter Holidays 8. 29/04 9. 06/05 10. END-OF-COURSE TEST 13/05
Dates Semester II Friday group 1. 08/03 2. 15/03 3. 22/03 4. 29/03 5. 05/04 6. 12/04 Easter Holidays 7. 03/05 8. 10/05 9. 17/05 END OF COURSE TEST Friday 24/05
Second Semester Core Aims The main aims of this second-level course are: to continue the groundwork covered in semester 1 to further extend your knowledge of both grammar and lexis to pave the way for the second year of your degree course.
Second Semester Marking System The marks you are given for the two in-class tests you will sit this semester will be added to the mark you were given for your first test in semester I. The average of these three marks is your final mark for this course. Students who fail either or both of their tests should see me during office hours.
What skills do good writers demonstrate? Authoring Having something to say (a sense of purpose) Being aware of the reader ( a sense of audience) Developing the ideas ( a sense of direction) Crafting Organising the content clearly and in a logical manner Using the conventions, e.g. spelling, layout Getting the grammar right Developing sentence structure Linking ideas in a variety of ways Having a range of vocabulary
Weeks 1 - 4 Week 5 Mid-semester Readings 39 Section 1: Data Commentary Introduction to Data Commentary 1 Young adults and alcohol 2 Asylum seekers in Britain 3 The Language of Data Commentary 5 Dates and Numbers 9 UK Universities World Rankings 10 World University Rankings 11 European University Statistics 16 Students Travel Data 19 Homework task 1 21 Perceptions of National Identity 22 America’s gun culture data 24 5 Facts about Smoking 34 Well-being Men & Women 37 Week 5 Mid-semester Readings 39
Weeks 6 - 9 Section 2: Essay Writing Sustainable Development Goals 45 Stephen Hawkings article 46 Stages in Writing an Essay 48 Topics for Discussion 49 Getting Started: writing your introduction 50 Factive vs. non-factive verbs 52 Homework task 2 53 Considering Structure 54 Homework task 3 55 Finishing up: writing your conclusion 56 Language Exercises 57 Hedging 61
Data Commentary
Source text New text Text - Data - Organisation Elaboration Lexis Features Data - Elaboration Interpretation Presentation Source text New text
Turn to p2
Task 1 Read the text with a partner and underline all the lexical items that refer to data commentary.
Task 2 Work with a partner. Student A consider paragraphs 1 & 2 Student B consider paragraphs 4 & 5 Underline all the lexical items that refer to data commentary.
HOMEWORK Lesson 1 Reflect on today’s lesson – make notes & start keeping a Data Commentary section in your Writing notes– p42 – 49 Further reading:
For next lesson (for Test 2) 4. Study The Language of Data Commentary p.5 – p.9 5. Read and study the text on p.10 – p.13 in preparation for next lesson 6. Reflect
The Finish Line….