Click on “Accept and Enter”
Click on Search Census From home, you will asked for Login: tdsbstu Password: estat
Select 2001 census Search for a geographic area: “toronto” Click Search
Select the table for “Large Urban Centres” or “Census Tracts” related to your variable
Select your assigned city Click “View Checklist”
Check characteristics needed for measures in your proposal Click “Back to Main Selection Form”
If you are assigned part of a city, click on “Reduce or Sort Geo List”
If you are assigned part of a city, highlight the numbers in your range of areas
Everyone: Click on “Tab-Separated Values File” to select the file-type Click on “Go” to retrieve data
Click on the yellow ribbon in Explorer to download the file Select Download File…
Click on SAVE
Name your file and click “Save”
MANAGING THE DATA Launch Excel Under the File menu, select Open In the “Files of Type” box, select “All Files” Locate your data file and click Open
MASSAGE PLEASE Merge multiple files so the “Geo” numbers are aligned in rows. Open both (all) files, then copy and paste the contents of one file to the other. Save your file as an Excel Workbook. Under the File menu, select Save As. In the “Save as Type” box, select Microsoft Excel Workbook.
MORE MASSAGE Rename & Adjust the columns so that you know what they are.
STILL MORE MASSAGE Recalculate totals Counts are “randomly” rounded and results in round off error. You cannot rely on the totals reported, calculate your own. Otherwise you could have 104% of the people are single.
ALMOST THERE Empty neighbourhoods should be removed Information for some neighbourhoods are “suppressed” and not reported.
FINALLY! In new columns, use formulas to calculate the measures you need for your research. Now you are ready to do some analysis!
TIPS Use Excel formulas and features to save time and effort if you have to do something more than twice. If you think there should be a less tedious way to do something, there probably is – ASK!!
ANOTHER TIP The SVR does not take very long once you get started but you do have to get started.