Access to HE Standardisation Event 2018-19 Business Studies Thursday, 6 December 018, 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm
Agenda Welcome and introductions Aims of the session Activity 1: Using draft assignments Activities 2 – 4: Standardisation of assessment judgements Plenary and evaluations
QAA regulations for AVAs The standardisation procedure provides opportunities for tutors, internal moderators and external moderators to share, discuss, and where necessary recalibrate their expectations relating to the standards of work expected by: the requirements of any work at level 2 or level 3 the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the specific units that they work with the grade descriptors
Aim of the session To provide opportunities for those involved in the assessment and/or moderation of the Access to HE Diploma to increase their understanding of the assessment and grading process and to compare assessment judgements with others delivering units in the same diploma subject area.
Objectives To undertake activities which enable participants to: compare practice in relation to draft assignments compare assessment judgements in relation to student achievement of learning outcomes and assessment criteria compare assessment judgements in relation to student achievement of grade indicators explore and confirm QAA and One Awards requirements for assessment and grading
Activity 1 – Draft Assignments 1. What is your policy on allowing draft assignments? Why this is your policy and when was it last reviewed? 2. What are the problems with allowing drafts? 3. What are the problems with not allowing drafts?
Activity 1 – Draft Assignments The One Awards Draft Assignment Policy Read through the policy and highlight any points you were unaware of or are of interest to explore.
Activity 1 – Draft Assignments In which situations is it beneficial for students to be allowed to submit a draft, give examples and explain why? What would the nature of the draft be? If you don’t currently allow drafts, how do you support students in these situations? What, if any, issues could there be in providing this support? What would not be acceptable, when are draft opportunities not appropriate? Why?
Activity 1 – Draft Assignments If you do not currently allow drafts, what would need to happen to bring about a review or change of policy?