WISE developments Agenda 6.a WG D meeting 28.04.2010 Brussels WISE developments Agenda 6.a Bo N Jacobsen EEA
WISE is managed by the ”Go4” European Commission: DG Environment Joint Research Centre – Ispra (JRC) Eurostat European Environment Agency Policy Data and themes Projects DG ENV: Water EEA: Water Data Centre ESTAT: Water statistics JRC: Floods Droughts WISE RTD Elements in WISE (Water Information System for Europe)
Current status for RBMPs Link RBMP
Current water data services in WISE at EEA Visualisation (interactive (zoom-able) maps) GIS visualisation tools via ReportNet GIS reference layers Eye-on-Earth – bathing water MapViewer – bathing water, WFD,UWWTD, SoE rivers, lakes, .. Advanced MapViewer – ”build your map” DataViewer (interactive graphs) Bathing water WaterBase (datasets for download) SoE: Rivers, lakes, groundwater,.. Since 22 March 2010: UWWTD, SoE emissions
WISE User statistics – EEA (themes and data)
Ongoing / future developments New web-site design – ongoing Migration to other IT-platform Eye-on-Earth as more general web-service Public participatory approach Other data sources Expand current dataservices to new topics Generic DataViewer concept development 2010 Aimed for implementation for: UWWTD, Emissions, Rivers and lakes,..
Access to thematic services via EEA web-site Link
new Link
Potential extension with new data sources and EoE links to Water Data Centre in WISE Other data sources Public participation Utilities Near real-time data GIS reference layers MS reportings SoE EU Directives “EEA QA’ed” Entry portal Bathing water CSI xx Groundwater Lakes, Emissions... Rivers, lakes UWWTPs Bathing water EoE MapViewer DataViewer WaterBase Indicators Current web-services
Potential performance indicators - specific loads excluding E-PRTR transfers; based on 2007 data; *) excluding WWTP storm overflows Lynetten DK10105 Inf. (g/d/p): 96 (BOD), 15 (N), 2.6 (P) Eff. (g(d/p): 3.5 (BOD), 2.2 (N), 0.3 (P) Power (W/p): 6.1 (total) 6.1 (net) Spildevandscenter Avedøre DK1670001 Inf. (g/d/p): 88 (BOD), 13 (N), 2.4 (P) Eff. (g(d/p): 1.7 (BOD), 2.4 (N), 0.3 (P) *) Power (W/p): 7.6 (total) 4.3 (net) Carbon footprint (kg CO2-e/y/p): 23 (net) Damhusåen DK310106 Inf. (g/d/p): 88 (BOD), 12 (N), 2.3 (P) Eff. (g(d/p): 4.5 (BOD), 2.8 (N), 0.4 (P) *) Power (W/p): 4.7 (total) 2.5 (net) (Source: utility websites)
Link Link
Thank you for your attention Contact: Bo.jacobsen@eea.europa.eu