CIPC Executive Committee Report-2 Public Release CIPC Executive Committee Report-2 Long Beach, CA 17-18 March 2005
Topics Working Groups and Task Forces Inter-ISAC MOU Work Plans Coordination with Exec Cmte Involvement Inter-ISAC MOU Common Vulnerabilities of Control Systems – 2004; document availability Standards Initiation process Definitions Security Guidelines initiation process National Infrastructure Protection Plan Intl Electricity Infrastructure Assurance Forum
Working Groups and Task Forces Approved Work Plans Control Systems Security WG Reporting Technologies WG Standards and Guidelines WG (with revision) Other WG/TF plans for June 2005 meeting WG and TF Chairs to meet with Exec Cmte to coordinate (use cc/WebEx as appropriate) CIPC Members, Alternates, Associates involvement
Inter-ISAC MOU Inter-ISAC Information Exchange Policy and Procedures Financial, Telecom, IT,Multi-State current signatories CIPC Exec Cmte as ESISAC governance body approves MOU for ESISAC
Common Vulnerabilities of Control Systems Document approved as NERC reference Release will be CIPC category – 2 Electricity Sector Only: Available to CIPC members, alternates, and associates for their use including distribution at their discretion to NERC regions and Electricity Sector associations but with no further distribution (posting on CIPC Internet private files site).
Standards Initiation process Treatment of definitions in standards and NERC Glossary
Security Guidelines Initiation process Included in WG/TF Work Plan New Sec Guide should be included in revised Work Plan for Exec Cmte review to assure coordination
NIPP Be prepared to provide comments as DHS/DOE are expected to request soon The NIPP may require some revisions to our Work Plans
IEIA Those interested in pursuing IEIA should contact John Allen 602-625-2044 CIPC Exec Cmte will maintain awareness, possibly as participant on Steering Committee