Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man by David A. Adler
A little background on Lou… Lou's the Best! The Farewell Speech: "Pride of the Yankees"
COURAGEOUS Cour-age-ous Adjective Brave
IMMIGRANTS Im-mi-grants noun People who go to a country to live in it Remembering Ellis Island
SALARY Sa-la-ry Noun Money paid at regular times to a worker
TREMENDOUS Tre-men-dous Adjective Very great or large
APPRECIATION Ap-pre-ci-a-tion Noun Showing that one recognizes the value of a person or thing
VALUABLE Val-u-a-ble Adjective Worth a lot
MODEST Mod-est Adjective Humble, not a show-off
SPORTSMANSHIP Sports-man-ship Noun Playing fair and showing respect for opponents