Pass the paper. When the music stops:


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Presentation transcript:

Pass the paper. When the music stops: Student with the paper –raise your hand; 2 students –on the left and right– must complete the sentence. If you can’t complete the sentence, you’re out… First to complete the sentence –stays in the game. SPEAK UP AND SPEAK CLEARLY!

Topic Electronic equipment, computers Technical problems SPEAK UP AND SPEAK CLEARLY!

Pass the Paper!

The computer has just ________. FINISH IT OFF! crashed The computer has just ________.

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The ______ has gone blank. screen

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The ________ is broken. keyboard

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The battery is _____. dead

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The DVD won’t _____. eject

Pass the Paper!

The paper is ________ in the copy machine. FINISH IT OFF! The paper is ________ in the copy machine. jammed

Pass the Paper!

The picture is _____ on TV. FINISH IT OFF! The picture is _____ on TV. fuzzy

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The ______ ______ won’t work. remote control

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The screen on my cell phone is _______. cracked

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! The _______ is _______ a funny noise. scanner making

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! ________ __________ satellite navigation

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! Example of satnav problems ________ __________ ________ __________ no signal

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! ________ ______ wireless router

Pass the Paper!

FINISH IT OFF! Wireless router problems (2) ________ __________ _____________ too slow locked out no signal no connection

Pass the Paper!

Pass the Paper!

Pass the Paper!