Chinese IAB (IA +IB) 9 Numbers and Dormitory Module (L17-L18) Numbers and Dormitory Quiz 1 Review
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Where is e-Textbook? Please click on page 5 to find Module Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Guide is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.
Review Q1-3 Fill in the blank for No.3. 住宿舍很便宜, (1) 上课又方便。 住宿舍很便宜, (1) 上课又方便。 (2) 便宜, (3) 没有自己的厨房和卫生间。 => 1而且er qie- however 2虽然sui ran- although 3但是dan shi – but
Review Q4 Put the pinyin in order from zero to ten. èr sì bā yī sān líng liù jiǔ qī wǔ shí . =》líng yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí
Review Q5 Listen to the following message and select the correct answer. 你的公寓是383吗?Is your apartment number 383? (ni de gong yu shi san ba san ma) 不,是274。No, it is 274. (bu shi er qi si) =>
Review Q6 =》 你住几号楼?Which building number do you live? Listen to the following message and select the correct answer. 你住几号楼?Which building number do you live? (ni zhu ji hao lou?) 我住二十一号楼。I live in building number 21. (wo zhu er yi hao lou) =》
Review Q7 Listen to the following message and select the correct answer. (ni de dian hua shi duo shao?) yi san ba – yi san ling yi – si san qi san =>138-1301-4373