Letters to Mozambique Learning Objectives: 5mins – Pupils enter, settle and write the title and objectives whilst the register is being taken. Learning Objectives: 1 – To engage with school pupils in Mozambique 2 – To reflect on the privileges of being at school in London
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson… All pupils will be able to identify an issue that may affect children at Maciene Most pupils will be able to ask challenging questions to the pupils at Maciene Some pupils will be able to analytically compare school life at Twyford and the Maciene
Task 1: Global Citizenship Justice and Conflict Sustainability Equality Environment In pairs, choose one of the these four areas and create a mind-map about what it means to you. This mind-map could be anything! As long as it is personal to them that is the main thing.
Task 1: Global Citizenship Justice and Conflict Sustainability Equality Environment Now write 5 questions that you would want to ask a pupil in Maciene school about your issue This should not make assumptions but ask questions. Are women treated equally to men? Is there recycling? What is it like living in a country that had a civil war so recently? Try to make challenging questions.
Write a letter to a pupil in Maciene school. Task 2: Letter Writing Write a letter to a pupil in Maciene school. It should also: Be addressed to a whole class Give greetings and explain what it is like to live and be at school here Use information from Amrit’s diary This should contain at least two of the questions that you have written down. Amrit’s diary is a hand-out in the resources.
Plenary: Letter Sharing Please hand these in to be translated into Portuguese
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson… All pupils will be able to identify an issue that may affect children at Maciene Most pupils will be able to ask challenging questions to the pupils at Maciene Some pupils will be able to analytically compare school life at Twyford and the Maciene