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Presentation transcript:



Evaluation of C/N Interferer = White Noise DVB & ISDB: Choice of parameters define C/N –DVB-2K: 64 QAM FEC=3/4 GI=1/16 2K (19,75 Mbits/s) –DVB-8K: 64 QAM FEC=2/3 GI=1/32 8K (18,09 Mbits/s) –ISDB: 64 QAM FEC=3/4 GI=1/16 4K 0,1s (19,33 Mbit/s)

Impulse Noise Better performance of the ISDB-T system, by introducing time interleaving

Static Multipath

Multipath: Channel Simulation

Doppler Effect

Interference: Protection Ratio

Field Tests Results

Outdoor: Coverage

Outdoor: Gap Filler

Indoor Reception

Thank You For Your Attention! Ana Eliza Faria e Silva Fernando Wiktor Q. Pietrukowicz