Classification Essay What are they?
1.flavor (Ex. White chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate), The Classification Essay forces you to group objects based on a Principal of Organization. This means you choose a method of organization that groups the items based on a similar theme or similarity. For instance, chocolate can be grouped according to ingredients and, therefore, 1.flavor (Ex. White chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate), 2.according to country of origin (Ex. Swiss chocolate, German chocolate, American chocolate), 3.or the forms it takes (Ex. Molded chocolate, melted/fondue chocolate, powdered chocolate)
For instance, I wouldn’t write a classification essay that discusses However, when writing a classification essay, the writer should not mix items from logical groups together. For instance, I wouldn’t write a classification essay that discusses 1.white chocolate, 2.powdered chocolate, and 3.German chocolate. These items would seem unrelated to the reader of a classification essay.
A classification essay is different from a comparison/contrast essay in that you are DEFINING the categories for the reader as opposed to making your opinion about comparisons/differences known. Therefore, you are sticking to writing about the basic information about a subject. Sometimes, in the conclusion, as a final thought, the writer states his/her opinion about which category is most important or best. However, this opinion is saved for the end, not for the body of the essay.
For this first essay, you will - 1. choose a topic for classification, 2. determine a Principal of Organization for that topic, 3. write a five-paragraph essay; with an introduction, a three-paragraph body, and a conclusion 4. that discusses the categories within that classification.
Types of alternative fuel vehicles Types of addictions (shopping, internet, drugs/alcohol) Types of medical specialties (radiology, physical therapy, etc.) Types of adoption (international, domestic, from foster care) Types of job-hunting methods – Ways to look for a job (newspaper classified ads, job websites, career counselors/job boards at the college) Ways to save money (high-interest bank accounts, invest each month in stocks/funds, building a budget) Three inventions that have changed life for people globally Types of winter/summer sports Ways to travel on vacation (train, plane, car) Types of diets (South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers) Types of alternative energy (geothermal, solar, air, water) Ways of using networking websites (like MySpace or Facebook) (self-promotion, connecting with friends, blogging) Genres in movies/books (science fiction, fantasy, romance, adventure, comedy) Areas of study in anthropology/engineering/law/etc. Types of basic resource books (dictionaries, thesaurus, encyclopedia) Types of fabric (silk, rayon, polyester, cotton) Methods of recording music (to audio cassette, to CD-ROM, to MP3 player)
STEP TWO: Once you have chosen your topic, you need to divide that topic into three categories or types of classification. In other words, create the pieces for your Principal of Organization. For my sample essay, I’m choosing types/flavors of chocolate
STEP THREE: Do any research you need to do for the topic. If you use any articles to help you, you should reference those articles on a “References” page using MLA format – I used many articles from the internet to help me. They are listed below in MLA format. At the end of my essay, I will list them in alphabetical order according to title on a REFERENCES page. For this paper, I don’t reference these sources within my essay using citations. We will learn how to do that during later papers.
STEP FOUR: After you collect any extra information you need, you can put the basic ideas for your essay into a diagram. This is one method of pre-writing that helps you visualize what your final essay will look like. A tree diagram for my essay on chocolate is presented below. Notice that I try to make the information in each category balanced by discussing the ingredients, the popularity, and some history or interesting facts for each. This gives the entire essay logical cohesion and unity.
“Types of Chocolate. ” Wikipedia. Updated January 7, 2008 “Types of Chocolate.” Wikipedia. Updated January 7, 2008. Accessed January 19, 2008. . “White Chocolate.” Wikipedia. Updated January 18, 2008. Accessed January 19, 2008. “History of Milk Chocolate.” What’s Cooking in America. Accessed January 19, 2008. “It’s True – Dark Chocolate is Healthy Chocolate!” What’s Cooking in America. Accessed January 19, 2008. “Types of Chocolate.” CacaoWeb. Updated September 15, 2007. Accessed January 19, 2008.
The Thesis Statement General Topic Specific Topic Purpose Point of view or opinion The Parts or what each paragraph will be about
Here is a sample thesis statement that would go along with my tree diagram about chocolate. Today , there are many types of chocolate made throughout the world; however the most well-known types are white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate.
How to Write an Effective Classification Essay Support equally each category with examples. In general, you should write the same quantity, i.e., give the same number of examples, for each category. The most important category, usually reserved for last, might require more elaboration. Common Classification Transitions The first kind, the second kind, the third kind The first type, the second type, the third type The first group, the second group, the third group
Remember... In a classification essay, the writer organizes, or sorts, things into categories. There are three steps to remember when writing an effective classification essay: organize things into useful categories, use a single organizing principle, and give examples of things that fit into each category.