Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49.


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Presentation transcript:

Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49

Place this in the proper place Vocabulary test tomorrow - study Student Planner March 22 Place this in the proper place Vocabulary test tomorrow - study

Summary: We had a standard opening, then watched a video on acids & bases. We took notes on acid base characteristics, and started the importance of pH on living things.

Essential Question: What are the characteristics of an acid? Answer the EQ which was: Essential Question: What are the characteristics of an acid?

Essential Question: How does pH influence the environment? Topic/Objective: Name: pH – Acids & Bases Class/Period: Date: Mar 22, 2017 Essential Question: How does pH influence the environment?

Warm Up

Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0.00001 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 If the % of H ions is 0.0001, what would the % of OH ions equal in scientific notation? Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? Type notes here

Answers 6 3

Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0.00001 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 If the % of H ions is 0.0001, what would the % of OH ions equal in scientific notation? Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? Type notes here

Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0.00001 pH = 5 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 If the % of H ions is 0.0001, what would the % of OH ions equal in scientific notation? Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? Type notes here

Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0.00001 pH = 5 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 pH = 12 If the % of H ions is 0.0001, what would the % of OH ions equal in scientific notation? Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? Type notes here

Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0.00001 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 If the % of H ions is 0.0001, what would the % of OH ions equal in scientific notation? 1x10-10 Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? Type notes here

Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 0.00001 Identify the pH of a solution having a % of H ions equal to: 1x10-12 If the % of H ions is 0.0001, what would the % of OH ions equal in scientific notation? Milk goes bad and tastes sour. What would you guess its pH is? pH > 7 pH is less than 7 Type notes here

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Blue litmus turns red = Acid Measuring pH 1. Indicators - change color based on pH reaction. Blue litmus turns red = Acid Red litmus turns blue = Base Blue litmus remains blue may be base Red litmus remains red may be acid If both Red and Blue litmus remains their color, solution is neutral.