Ni- Vanuatu in the Australian Market Linnea Barlow
Jobs Australia Enterprises (JAE) Snapshot Approved Employer (AE) since pilot in 2012- 7 years AE’s include Growers Labour Hire (JAE) Contractors Top 10 in Volume of Workers Operate in NSW, QLD, SA & VIC Workforce: Fiji, Kiribis, Timor Leste, Tonga, Solomon Islands, & Vanuatu
VISas Approved for swp (subclass 403) Fiji Kiribati Samoa Sols Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu 2018-19 to 30/09/2018 July 26 < 5 25 65 118 214 August 6 5 8 57 39 78 655 September 28 20 79 181 89 574
SEASONAL WORKER PROGRAMME (SWP) SNAPSHOT According to ABARES- 2015-2016: 69 Approved Employers across Australia, 74% of Seasonal Workers recruited by AE’s operating under the ‘labour hire’ or ‘contractor’ business model (Smith 2016). According to DoJ- 2019: just over 110 AE’s, upwards 50 seeking approval to participate
APPROVED EMPLOYERs Play a significant role in success of swp Managing Risk Employers take all the risk Costs we pay for are endless On average to get 1 worker from Vanuatu with all costs involved takes $3,000 AUD per person* Flights (to & from country) Visa Cash Advance Seasonal Worker absconds AE’s required to pay Health Insurance up to 21 days * Does not include: vehicles purchased, bonds for accommodation, welcome packs, meals for first days, PPE (looking at upwards $25,000 AUD) That’s only if there is 1 vehicle!!
Seasonal Workers play a significant role in success of swp The productivity of seasonal workers was, on average, 20 per cent higher than that of working holiday makers for the farm businesses in this study, based on fruit picking tasks. ABARES Seasonal workers who returned to the farm were on average 15 per cent more productive than new seasonal workers. This is mainly because returned workers required minimal induction and training in subsequent seasons as they had previously acquired skills and farm knowledge. ABARES
Seasonal Workers play a significant role in success of swp Comfortability + Entitlement, Falling into temptation &/or Distraction = Complacency Complacency + Poor Decision Making = Discipline in Australian ways of living Common problems include: High abuse in alcohol, drunk driving, infidelity, physical flights CONTEXT: Now: 900 in Australia with JAE Last 6 months: ½ dozen issues
Sending countries play a significant role in success of swp Discipline that has 1 voice (Australian Law & Ni Van Law) Pre departure health checks (cancer, pregnancy) Agents Training Understanding ways of life: How to sleep in a bed How to use a microwave; basic appliances Importance of wearing seat belts Importance of water/ electricity use Eating well while in Australia Communicating if unwell or sick (due to insurance)
The Australian government plays A Significant role in success of swp Collaboration with AE’s & DoJ Red Tape Lack of Flexibility between AE’s LMT Health Insurance Reduced rates for workers Seasonal Worker absconds AE’s required to pay Health Insurance up to 21 days Superannuation Isn’t this an aid program? Why the high tax? Difficulties in Claiming Bank fees Don’t understand it Lack of resources (Computers)
There is massive potential in the seasonal Worker Programme