LITTLE ACORNS PRE-SCHOOL AUTUMN 2016 NEWSLETTER Absence. The pre-school is obligated to keep records of attendance. We must be informed if your child is unable to attend pre- school. Please either send a text or phone the following number: 07866057446. LITTLE ACORNS PRE-SCHOOL AUTUMN 2016 NEWSLETTER Funding. Children born between 1st September and 31st December will be entitled to funding from the beginning of the Spring term 2016. Please supply a copy of each eligible child’s birth certificate. Ask Jane for more details. Holidays during term time. Parents should avoid taking their child out of pre- school during term time. Extended holidays are not permitted. The maximum number of days allowed in an academic year is10 sessional days. Should any parent wish to exceed this number of days then fees at the current rate of FEEE entitlement will be levied as funding cannot be claimed. Dear Parents/carers, We hope that you all had a good summer break. We welcome back all our existing children and also the new children who are joining us. Contact us via email: Our Website is: and our Facebook page is Little Acorns Preschool Market Harborough. Please note that all relevant information such as term dates etc. is displayed on our notice board and website. Please look out for additional news this term and upcoming activities on our facebook page and website. Information for parents / carers: As you are aware, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and letters and sounds is a vital part of our teaching programme. It is designed to teach children how the alphabet works to prepare them for reading and spelling. If you would like to find out how to help your child with letters and sounds at home, please ask us for our booklet. Look out for our “Sound of the Week’ notice board - you could also bring in any objects, materials for the ‘Sound of the Week’. Additional sessions. The pre-school has vacancies for Autumn. If you require any additional sessions in the Autumn term 2016 it is advisable to place your child’s name on the waiting list as soon as possible in order to avoid disappointment. We also have extended sessions until 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Outside play. All ‘sit and ride’ toys and any other toy brought into pre-school are left at ‘owners risk’. We ask that your child brings a helmet so that they can use our ride on toys. Their own bikes/scooters can be used to come to a nd ride home from pre-school, but will not be used during the sessions. We will always be using our outside space for play, whatever the weather, so we ask you to provide your child with appropriate clothing for the session. We do have some spare wet/sunny weather clothing, but we’re always grateful for donations. Notice period. If any parent wishes to either terminate or decrease the number of sessions that their child attends, one month’s notice in writing must be given. If a child is unable to attend for the notice period then fees will be charged in lieu of notice.