ICT for Socioeconomic Development (ICT4SD) CS 671 / Tu-Fri 5:00 to 6:30 pm http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~cs671 Course Coordinators: U. B. Desai and Krithi Ramamritham
Objectives Provide exposure to the already existing benefits of ICT for the masses ICT for social development is indeed an exciting area of research A forum for generating ideas in this new and important domain --- we believe that no one has really cracked this domain Motivate the younger lot to do R and D in ICT4D Contribute to the cause through The creation of portals Studies Projects
Course Structure Two 1.5 hrs lectures per week 7 to 8 weeks lectures by 7 to 8 faculty from IITB 2-3 weeks (4 to 6) invited lectures from people working in the area of ICT for development 3-5 weeks (9 to 10 hrs) of student presentation At least one site visit (possibly Pabal in Maharashtra)
Faculty contributing to the Course U B Desai and Krithi Ramamritham – Introduction to the course, motivation, expectations Krithi R. – ongoing projects in KReSIT and elsewhere in IIT on ICT4D U. B. Desai --- Access Technologies, rural kiosk, sustainable ICT in rural areas IIT B faculty and researchers
Tentative list Invited Speakers People from ICICI bank (Nachiket) on Microfinance Arun Mehta on Telecom Policy in India Ashok Jhunjhunwala SEWA – Ahmedabad ITC – e-Choupal M. S. Swaminathan foundation (Pondichery) Hindustan Lever on how they have approached the rural market Anil Gupta from IIM-Ahmedabad Anupam Basu – IIT KGP Ananthakrishnan -- Literacy Kadarbhai – KVK Baramati Yogesh Kulkarni – Vigyan Ashram Rekha Jain from IIM-Ahm. (heads the center on telecom policy studies) Bhoomi project in Karnataka (Maybe Mr. Rajeev Chawala) Secretary IT – Mr. K. K. Jaswal Group in Hyderabad – Project COW – Computers on Wheel Some grass root workers – people who have been working in the field on ICT Rajesh Jain (Net-core Tech.) Zero Tech (Hiranandani –Sudershan SOM) One Village One Computer (Navi Mumbai) Yogesh Kulkarni (Vigyan Ashram) Manthan Award winners Kentaro Toyama <kentoy@microsoft.com>
Aim to make a difference!