Professor Kathleen Segerson The Graduate School Professor Kathleen Segerson Associate Dean, The Graduate School and Distinguished BOT Professor, Department of Economics Introduce myself.
Jurisdiction of TGS All graduate degree and PB certificate programs, except: Doctor of Pharmacy Graduate degrees conferred by: Law School School of Dental Medicine Medical School
Roles of The Graduate School Graduate Programs Approvals (Executive Committee) Minimum Standards (Graduate Faculty Council) Graduate Admissions Graduate Student Affairs Individual Student Issues TGS Fellowships GS and Post-doc Support Programs Academic Dispute Resolutions GA Union (in collaboration with Labor Relations)
Organization of Graduate Programs Degree programs (masters and doctoral) are organized around “Fields of Study” A department can offer multiple FOS (e.g., MA/PhD in “Economics” and MS in “Quantitative Economics” A FOS can cross departments (e.g., “Medieval Studies”) Some FOS have “Areas of Concentrations” Certificate Programs (typically 12 credit)
Some Types of Dept Head Interactions with TGS Create/change programs Appoint faculty to Graduate Faculty Nominate students for fellowship Request interpretation of or waiver to TGS minimum standards Resolve disputes