Board Walk Under Bridge Mississippi River Trick or treat at businesses set up in West Bridge Park, grab a snack or dinner from a food vendor and enjoy kid friendly games. Stroll down the board walk to the participating businesses east of 25. FOOD GAMES West Bridge Park Board Walk Under Bridge Indicates Parking Bridge East Bridge Park River St Cedar St Broadway/75 Broadway/75 Hwy 25/Pine St Walnut St Locust St W 3rd St Participating businesses will be located in the general area shown on the map. All participating businesses will have a large orange pumpkin in their window saying “Trick or Treat Stop!” Crossing guards provided for extra safety (Do Not cross Hwy 25 at intersection, please go under Mississippi River Bridge) W 4th St W 5th St Please visit these businesses at their location: Runnings & Monticello Public Library W 6th St
The Monticello Chamber & Community Center present… Trick or Treat Night Thursday, Oct. 25th 4-6:30pm Downtown Monticello is opening its doors and welcoming all children to trick-or-treat at participating businesses! Look for the orange window pumpkin that says “Trick or Treat Stop” NEW in 2018! The Chamber & Community Center are combining our usual events into one! (The DT Trick or Treat with the Kiddie Parade.) Please join us in West Bridge Park for more trick or treating, activities and food. Then head under the Mississippi River bridge to participating businesses on East Broadway. - Lots of parking available in city lots - Crossing guards provided for extra safety (do not cross Hwy 25 at intersection, please go under Mississippi River Bridge) Participating businesses clearly marked with window pumpkin If a business isn’t on the map, but you see a pumpkin, stop in! Enjoy the scarecrows hanging around town created by the businesses Children should be in costume & bring a bag to fill with treats - Children must be accompanied by an adult (please accompany your child in & out of each business) Most important thing? – Let’s have some fuN!