Objective: Analyze the structure of Rodriguez's "'Blaxicans' and Other Reinvented Americans" in order to detail how each component of his argument contributes.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective: Analyze the structure of Rodriguez's "'Blaxicans' and Other Reinvented Americans" in order to detail how each component of his argument contributes to the overall structure of his message. RI.11.5

Choose and view one of the following commercials Choose and view one of the following commercials. As you watch, complete each of the following tasks on the “Analyzing Structure: Commercials” worksheet. Analyze this Nike commercial. OR Analyze this Nationwide commercial. First, list all of the details (words, images, sounds) used in the commercial to persuade the audience. Then, explain the overall purpose of the commercial. Discuss the details and overall purpose of the commercials with your peers. Write a revised version of your explanation of the overall purpose. Be sure to consider and include some of your peers’ details and ideas in your revised explanation. Click the document to access Resource 1  Teachers may want to show one commercial to the entire class if students do not have access to individual devices.

Think about the message of the video: DNA Test Think about the same questions used for the other commercials. How does the structure of the video get across the overall message? (Think of the parts of the commercial, the characters, the division, the questions, etc) The title of our next text is “Blaxicans and other reinvented Americans”. What can you predict about the text based on the title and the video clip? Teachers can choose to use the DNA video in lieu of the commercials on the beginning slide.

Read and analyze "'Blaxicans' and Other Reinvented Americans” on page 87 in Collections. Consider the points that Rodriguez is making and whether the structure helps to make the points clear, convincing, and engaging. Click the document to access Resource 2 Teacher may want to use the annotation resource or the Cornell note resource for the text due to its length.

Work with your group to closely reread and analyze your assigned section of "'Blaxicans' and Other Reinvented Americans.” Record any claims Rodriguez is making and list any supporting details/evidence provided in your assigned section of the text. Group 1: Lines 1-54 Group 2: Lines 55-71 Group 3: Lines 72-112 Group 4: Lines 113-150 Group 5: Lines 151-216

Share any points and supporting details/evidence from your group’s assigned section of the text with the rest of the class. As each group shares their points and supporting details/evidence, record at least one supporting detail/evidence or point from each group’s reading section.

Complete the following exit ticket on the worksheet or as a mindmap through bubbl.us/. Use a mind map or the organizer on the worksheet to: explain the overall points that Rodriguez is making in "'Blaxicans' and Other Reinvented Americans." show the connections among the points and supporting details/evidence shared by each group Bubbl.us is a concept mapping and brainstorming tool that offers a simple and easy way to create a mind map which can be shared virtually via your online account.  With a bubbl.us account you can mind map with words, images from your computer, images from the internet, and other files you might want to share.  Bubbl.us also allows users to create outlines and process maps.   Students need to choose "export" rather than "save" to get a copy of their final product.  Save requires that students have an account.  These responses could serve as a formative assessment.

Consider the following questions Consider the following questions. Write a journal style entry in response to the question. How effective is the structure of “Blaxicans” in helping Rodriguez to make his point? Consider whether the structure of a personal essay helps him create a text that is clear, convincing and engaging. Cite evidence from the text to support your answer. These responses could be posted on a class padlet or students could write them in their independent journal notebooks. This is an extension activity for students that finish all other parts of the lesson.