Learning Styles
V-A-K or How We Process Information V-A-K stands for three channels people use to process information. While learners typically use all three, they usually have one or more dominant channels. These channels influence how and what they learn.
V = Visual Some people learn best by seeing information. Favorite learning methods might include reading books, examining graphs and charts, watching videos and demonstrations.
A = Auditory Some people learn best by hearing information. Favorite learning methods may include listening to a lecture or CD.
K = Kinesthetic Some people learn best by doing. Favorite learning methods may include taking a trial and error approach to a new subject matter, highlighting text while reading, and taking notes while listening to a lecture.
Working With Different Learning Styles . . .
Working with Visual Learners: Use graphs charts and tables to illustrate concepts. Include enough content in a supporting document to allow it to be read after class. Leave plenty of white space on any paper document to allow for note taking. Eliminate potential visual distractions in the learning environment (e.g., draw the blinds, face learner away from windows and doors, etc.) Distribute an outline or agenda that visual learners can read and take notes on.
Visual learners, cont. Invite questions throughout the learning session. This will help visual learners stay alert in a very auditory environment. Supplement written information with illustrations as much as possible. Post flip chart pages to show both what will come next and what learners have learned up to this point around the room. Emphasize key points to cue visual learners when to take notes. Then give them time to do so.
Working with Auditory Learners Begin new material with a brief explanation of what will come next, and conclude with a summary of what you covered. Use the Socratic method of lecturing. Ask questions to draw as much information about a topic from the learners as possible. Then, fill in gaps with your own expertise. This will give auditory learners a chance to verbally participate. Make auditory activities, like brainstorming and buzz groups, a part of the learning experience.
Auditory Learners, cont. Leave plenty of time to debrief exercises. This will allow auditory learners to verbally make connections between what they’ve learned, and how it applies to their situation. Plan review activities that allow auditory learners to repeat aloud what they’ve learned. (e.g., Jeopardy, Stand Up Sit Down Review, etc.)
Working With Kinesthetic Learners Give frequent stretch (brain breaks), at least once every 25 – 30 minutes. Use different colored markers to emphasize key points on flipchart pages and white boards. Plan experiential activities that get kinesthetic learners up & moving. Play music during breaks or, when appropriate, during lecture activities. Provide “toys” to give kinesthetic learners something to do with their hands. (e.g., Play Doh, Koosh Balls, Slinkies, etc.)
Kinesthetic Learners, cont. Have kinesthetic learners list distractions on a piece of paper or a post-it note. Suggest they physically set aside these distractions until the end of the learning session. Guide kinesthetic learners through a visualization of difficult or complex tasks. Provide an overview of what kinesthetic learners will learn. Then, follow-up with details. Provide a mind-mapped version of written information.