Clinical Commissioning Forum GP IT update Clinical Commissioning Forum Thursday 3rd January 2019 Niifio Addy
Shared HUH/CCG IT projects HIE/ eLPR Multi-endpoint connectivity imminent HUH and Barts HIEs are already linked. Virtual Master Index upgrade expected Jan 2019. Will unlock views from other HIE connected providers. Unsuccessful pilot involved 2 C&H practices to trial patient data views from Bart’s HIE. OPD and antenatal discharge summaries will be available on HIE imminently. tQuest Working towards paper switch off Planned care workstream with input from the GP IT steering group has presented an initial consultation paper on switching off paper requests for pathology and radiology. Presented at CEC in December as the first step in a wider consultation. The paper outlines current obstacles / issues with tQuest that need to be resolved before paper requests can be ceased.
Shared IT projects (cont) E-Referrals HUH has now switched off paper OPD referrals, with 100% of referrals for consultant led clinics now booked via eRS, inclusive of 2WW referrals. Planning for non-consultant led services can be booked electronically. Antenatal referral assessment services (RAS) went live on 26th November, with physio to follow. eCorrespondence All HUH services except Sickle cell & Thalassaemia now live ELFT discharge summaries went live from September 2018. Please report to Thomas Clark if you are still receiving paper
CCG IT projects Patient online services 20% registered list uptake target (aspirational from 2017/18) NHS digital (POMI) data from Oct 2018 shows all C&H practices now above 10% of patient enabled for online services, with 66% of practices above 20%. Figures for online appointment transactions are still low at some practices. It is important that bookable appointments are available online to reduce calls and walk-ins at the practice Primary care Wi-Fi Public and secure WiFi has been in place at the majority of practices since Q4 17/18 as a core and mandated service. Reports suggest that a number of practices are yet to make use of the secure networks which require that staff be added to an access directory For more information please email
CCG IT Capital Bids 2018/19 Bid for Additional Equipment (£130K) approved by NHSE in October 2018; Funds will generally be used to replace faulty equipment and provision additional equipment requests; Some provision included in bid to provide additional monitors for key clinical and admin roles at each practice 2019/20 Bids to be submitted in in Q4; Likely to include PC refresh for entire primary care estate
Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) Approval obtained from the CCG Finance and Performance Committee in November’18 to implement and migrate to a new HSCN network for secure connectivity at primary care sites. Follows a London-wide procurement run by NHS Digital The new network will represent an upgrade in technology, with increased bandwidth intended to support digital primary care at scale The CCG will now work with NELCSU, the successful bidder from the procurement (K-COM) and local stakeholders to agree a final technical specification before commencing the implementation in the new-year Practices are asked to respond promptly to any requests for information relating to the deployment.
CCE Contract GPIT/Data Sharing Domain Dedicated domain used in previous years as a driver to encourage behaviour that helps us meet our digital and clinical agenda CCE contract changes planned for 2019/20 subject to consultation to include: requirement for practices to engage with the CCG and HUH plans for pathology and radiology switch off requirement for practices to engage with a structured feedback process for IT projects e.g. the use of business as usual (BAU) capital bids or test whether we have met stated aims of improving clinical effectiveness, patient safety, resource efficiency and patient satisfaction as set out in the LDR (see appendix)
Demand Management The GP Confed continue to offer funding to pilot digital demand management solutions These include online consultation software and telephone systems integrated with EMIS to allow 24hr booking and cancelling of appointments Solutions must be effectively evaluated as funding is non-recurrent – participating practices will need to support this The GPC also have funding available to purchase portable hearing loops and printing of foreign language patient info to help with AIS compliance For further information please contact
Discussion/ Questions