Notebook Set Up Number the first 25 pages On the front inside cover paste/tape in class expectations (greenish yellow paper) On the outside back cover tape on plicker card Make sure that no writing or black is covered up (even with clear tape it creates glare) Check orientation before taping to make sure you are happy-personally I would have A facing up. On page 1 title: Table of contents On page 3 or 4 title: Openers Skip 20 pages after openers Approximately page 24 title notes-Safety
Safety & Lab Protocol
Proper Lab Attire Tie back hair No open toed shoes Clothing must be long enough to cover your torso & upper legs Don’t forget goggles! Can’t remember if it is a lab day? Check our class calendar online!
Absolutely no Horse play! No Running, pushing, yelling, etc. If you are not respectful & responsible during lab you will be asked to sit out.
Safety Equipment Goggles Eye-wash Shower When should these pieces of lab equipment be used? Talk with your table and write it down in your notes! DON'T BE LIKE CAROL
Notify Mrs Kemp immediately! FIRE Notify Mrs Kemp immediately! Stop, Drop, & Roll Fire Extinguisher Fire Blanket Evacuate
Broken Glass Notify me ASAP DO NOT Touch with your bare hands! Use a broom & dustpan Place in the glass receptacle Wear close toed shoes
Laboratory Equipment
Clean Up Wash, dry, & put away lab equipment Wipe down lab station Wash your hands with soap & water
Practice Identify and circle the unsafe laboratory procedures in this cartoon. Work with your table partners record Five safety infractions and explain WHY it is an unsafe procedure for a science lab.
Plicker Practice Which of the following shouldn’t be worn in lab? a. hair tied up b. sandals c. goggles d. lab jacket
Plicker Practice What should you do if there is broken glass? Leave it for your lab partner. Grab it quickly off the ground. Put it in the recycling. Tell Mrs. Kemp and use the broom/dustpan.
Plicker Practice Which of the following activities is okay in the lab area? a. eating b. running c. reading d. yelling
Exit ticket What are appropriate responses or talking points for being a respectful contributor to a class discussion? For example: “I agree with you, but…” Write your response on a notecard and hand it to me as you exit the classroom today.