Presented to Portfolio Committee on Social Development DSD Annual Report 2007/08 Presented to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 22 January 2008
Presentation outline Part A Institutional Capacity and coherence Part C Programme Performance 2007/08: Welfare Services Welfare Services Transformation Substance Abuse Services to Children Services to People with Disabilities Services to Older Persons Families and Social Crime Part D Programme Performance 2007/08: Community Development Community Development Youth Development Non- profit Organisation HIV&AIDS NDA Part A Institutional Capacity and coherence Human Resource Management Legislative Framework 2008/09 Budget and Expenditure report 2007/08 Auditor General’s Report Challenges Part B: Programme Performance 2007/08: Comprehensive Social Security Social Assistance Social Relief Social Insurance Appeals
Overview The presentation presents the overall performance of the Department of Social Development and its statutory bodies during the 2007/08 financial year Several notable milestones were reached during the period under review. The Department, together with its agencies; SASSA and the NDA, received an unqualified audit opinion during the period under review
Part A Overview
Vision Mission A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. Mission To ensure the provision of comprehensive, integrated, sustainable and quality social development services against vulnerability and poverty and create an enabling environment for sustainable development in partnership with those committed to building a caring society.
Strategic Priorities Create an enabling environment for social and human capital investment. Promotion of social integration. Social protection initiatives to build the capacity of vulnerable groups. Provide a comprehensive social security system. Leadership in social development to ensure the deepening of the social policy discourse and evidence-based decision-making. Effective and efficient management of social development programmes and activities in partnership with civil society and other social partners. Steering national involvement in African and International frameworks and agreements with respect to socio-economic development. Good governance.
PROGRAMMES OBJECTIVES Programme 1: Administration Provide for policy and strategic direction for overall management and support services to the Department. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Develop and monitor policies for a comprehensive social security system; develop norms, standards and guidelines for implementation; develop macro-finance modelling to inform policy decisions; and assess the social, economic and fiscal impact of social security programmes.
PROGRAMMES OBJECTIVES [Cont.] Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support For Welfare Services Develop, facilitate and monitor the implementation of policies, programmes and strategies on integrated social welfare services that meet the needs of all vulnerable groups. Programme 4: Community Development Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriated policies, strategies and programmes aimed at sustainable livelihoods and human development. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Provide leadership in the strategic planning process across national and provincial departments
Human Resource Management
HRM 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 AS AT 31/12/08 Number of posts 596 613 533 687 684 Number of posts filled 403 463 417 534 616 Vacancy rate 32.4% 24.5% 21.8% 22.3% (13.22%)* 10% Number of posts filled additional to the establishment 111 36 32 37 49 * Due to the prioritisation of filling 151 posts, the vacancy rate increased to 23% during September 2007. This was reduced to 13.22% as at 31 March 2008 with the approval of appointments but the officials however only assumed duty after 31March 2008. The vacancy rate was therefore reflected as 22.3%.
Employment and Vacancy by Programme at end of 2007/08 Number of Posts Number of Posts Filled Vacancy rate Number of Posts Filled Additional to the establishment P1: Administration: Permanent 294 246 16.3 18 P2: Comprehensive Social Security; Permanent 55 47 14.5 P3: Social welfare Services: Permanent 177 123 30.5 1 P4: Community Development; Permanent 64 52 18.8 P5: Strategy and Governance: Permanent 97 66 32 17 TOTAL 687 534 22.3 37
Employment and vacancies at end of 07/08 Department filled 83% of prioritised posts although the filling of contract posts and posts that became vacant impacted on progress in filling of the prioritised posts To reduce the vacancy rate to 14%, the Department approved the filling of 597 posts before 31 March 2008 All appointed individuals to assume duty afre 31 March 2008 The number jobs evaluated increased by 12% due to the creation of new posts in line with the approved DSD structure
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT The Department implemented new supply chain management directives as promulgated by the National treasury Established the following committees in line with Supply Chain Management Framework: Bid Specification Committee, Bid Evaluation Committee and Bid Adjudication Committee in August 2007 Completed Asset management policy and strategy in consultation with Departmental Stakeholders Total Procurement Spending was R137 933 337.79 Total procurement was divided as follows HDI: R53 254 059.01 =38.61% WEO: R38 770 941.05=28.11% Non-HDI: R35 407 847.02=25.67% Other Institutions: R10 500 490.71=7.61%
Employment and vacancies at end of 07/08 Department filled 83% of prioritised posts although the filling of contract posts and posts that became vacant impacted on progress in filling of the prioritised posts To reduce the vacancy rate to 14%, the Department approved the filling of 597 posts before 31 March 2008 All appointed individuals to assume duty afre 31 March 2008 Job Evaluation: The number jobs evaluated increased by 12% due to the creation of new posts in line with the approved DSD structure
International Obligations: Key Achievements The Social Development portfolio has grown considerably since 1994 leading to increased bilateral and multilateral interaction with almost all regions of the world. The department’s focus is on the development of solid, long-term partnerships based on trust with developing countries. The areas of focus in international relations for the Department are the following: Rebuilding of family and community relations, A comprehensive social security system, Eradicating violence against women and children, older persons and other vulnerable groups, The fight against HIV and AIDS and dealing with the social impact of the disease.
OBJECTIVES Harmonization and integration of Social Development policies and strategies through active participation in relevant regional, continental and multilateral structures and international organizations Promotion of bilateral activities that make the most effective contribution to poverty reduction
International Obligations: Key Achievements In line with our international obligations, the promotion of the African Agenda and fostering international solidarity, the DSD participated in the following international fora and meetings: Forum of Ministers of Social Development in the MAGHREB region in Morocco. Conference on leadership and Innovation held in Vienna, Austria. 8th Session of the Inter-Governmental Council of the MOST Programme and UNESCO in Paris, France. World Social Security Forum and the 29th ISSA General Assembly in Moscos, Russia. Meeting with DFID Ministers in London, England.
International Obligations: Key Achievements Purpose of the visits (continued) UNESCO Meetings, in Paris, France MOST IGC Bureau and scientific advisory committee in Paris. Second Ministerial meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Social Development of South Asia under the (MOST) programme, India. African Global Diaspora Conference, Barbados. Collaboration with the Government of Cuba, Havana.
International Obligations: Key Achievements Co-ordination of International Agreements and participation in regional and multilateral institutions. Minister participated in the UNESCO partnership on World Sports forum held in October 2007. Chaired several meetings of UNESCO, having also participated in the Asia Forum for Social Development Ministers as well as the Africa Caribbean Diaspora Conference. Minister participated in World Social Security Forum and successfully secured the hosting of 2010 Forum by South Africa. Conducted two workshops of the Social Cluster on international relations. DSD Concluded a draft engagement strategy on cluster contributions to Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development.
International Obligations: Key Achievements Inputs and participation in the social development multilateral agenda The department coordinated visits from two African countries and pursued further relations with five others as well as coordinated the IBSA Working Group on Social Issues. Coordinated participation and inputs to the five UN Commission and follow-up mechanisms with DSD participation.
International Obligations: Key Achievements African Population Commission (APC) The department played a major role during the 6th Ordinary Session of the African Population Commission held in Sandton South Africa. International Social Security Association (ISSA) conference DSD hosted the International Comprehensive Social Security Conference in March 2008 which resolved to open an ISSA liason office in South Africa Facilitated the participation of African delegates to the International Consultative Conference on Social Security hosted by South Africa during March 2008. International Social Protection conference: DSD, together with the presidency, facilitated the hosting of the conference in July 2007
CHALLENGES Limited commission within spheres of government Invitations on international participation are at short notice Budgetary constraints, e.g. DRC project