Does spiritualism provide evidence for the existence of a soul?
What is spiritualism??? Communication between the spirit world and the living through messages from the departed spirits. This communication is usually achieved through a medium. Communication can be achieved through Ouija boards and séances.
How is spiritualism credible? Spiritualism can be seen as credible because some information received as a result of spiritualism has been accurate. This is despite being known to the medium – this could support the existence of a soul. E.G. Derek Acorah from most haunted TV who uses his psychic ability to gain information from departed spirits. Regression to past lives under hypnosis is another form of spiritualism and seems to be believable as the subject gains memories of a past life they could not possibly have gained through other means. Psycho kinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of the mind.
Is Spiritualism Mediums could just have some form of telepathic access to the minds of the living. People who claim to have received messages from departed loved ones could have been influenced by wishful thinking. As there is no empirical evidence to prove the existence of a spiritual afterlife, it is not possible to communicate with such a presence.
If Spiritualism was proved true then in what form would the departed survive after death ? CHRISTIAN VIEW The general Christian view of life after death is that before judgement day the body and soul are separated and judgement is immediate. On judgement day Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. Catholics bury dead bodies so that upon judgement day they can be raised and changed into a glorified spiritual body which rejoins the dead person’s soul.
If Spiritualism was proved true then in what form would the departed survive after death ? Plato would argue that the soul is the only part of us that survives after death – it returns to the world of the forms where it originated from.