The summary page for cancer profiles. The summary page for cancer profiles. Two examples of summary pages for cancer tissue profiles in 20 different cancer types are shown. Intensity and abundance of immunoreactivity is given as a color code (red = strong, orange = moderate, yellow = weak, white = no staining, and black = missing tissue). Each colored circle to the right represents one individual tumor. The circles are divided because they represent duplicate samples from each tumor. The commercial antibody directed toward the KLK3 gene encoding the PSA precursor protein shows expression of this antigen in all prostate cancer samples, although the abundance in different tumors differs (a). Immunohistochemical staining shows a fairly strong positivity in cancer cells (c) that at higher magnification can be seen as cytoplasmic immunoreactivity (d). The HPR000937 antibody was generated from the TYRP1 gene located on chromosome 9 that encodes the type I membrane protein 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid oxidase precursor protein. The overview (b) shows that a majority of analyzed tumors are negative and that tumors that are positive only show weak staining. A strong immunoreactivity is found in malignant melanoma, and one example from a cutaneous superficial spreading melanoma with strong immunoreactivity is shown (e). Higher magnification shows cytoplasmic staining in melanoma cells spread in the superficial epidermis as well as in the invasive parts of the tumor (f). Mathias Uhlén et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2005;4:1920-1932 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology