Clean Air & Transport Unit of DG Environment Revision of the National Emissions Ceilings Directive & the NECPI working group Clean Air & Transport Unit of DG Environment
General Approach Series of NECPI meetings in 2006/7 Dedicated to specific issues/questions; e.g. Choice Meteorological years Choice of sensitivity scenarios Form and content of information from model runs “legal issues” / implementation mechanics Cooperation between Member States, relative ceilings, etc.. New pollutants Modelling results
General Approach (2) Range of ambition level already agreed by College Recalculate key TS policy scenarios with the revised inputs (Baseline, MTFR, A, B, C, & TS) Select and run sensitivity cases (Commission funded and Industry funded) Select and run any required additional policy or sensitivity runs (incorporate new information) Formulate and bring together advice on other issues (Cooperation, directive’s mechanics, etc.) Commission initiates internal process to decide upon precise content of legislative proposal
Time frame Realistically, directive proposal not expected until 1st half of 2007 Modelling work unlikely to start until April/May 2006 (new baseline being developed) Envisage 5 meetings of NECPI in 2006 (subject to Budget); Additional meetings in 2007 will be decided later.
Other Relevant Activities Revision of the NECD Reporting requirements Simplify and have greater coherence of reporting requirements for Member States (Greenhouse gas, NECD, CLRTAP) – Also INSPIRE directive CLRTAP is developing a prototype “Inventory Review” process as requested by the Executive Body This will require a national inventory report to explain justify national emissions inventories Working Group on Implementation to address the issues
Key elements of a New NEC Directive?? New pollutants (PPM, CH4)? New approaches – trading/cooperation between Member States? Relative ceilings rather than absolute caps? New obligations to support CLRTAP scientific work…? Critical Loads reporting? Gridded emissions reporting? Monitoring? Revision of the reporting regime
Invitation to Comment / What next? Provide feedback & identify issues that NECPI should address that are not already highlighted Commission to draft a more detailed workplan and schedule meetings to address issues in timely fashion NECPI group members start work now on the known issues and come prepared to meetings!