Ch 19 Mass Media and Internet ABC NBC CBS CNN NYTimes MSNBC WSJ BuzzFeed FOX HuffPo MotherJones
19-1 How Media Impact Government Vocabulary: mass media- news release- news briefing- leak- media event- front-runner- spot advertising-
19-1 cont President and the Media Media and Presidential Campaigns Mutually beneficial relationship (symbiotic) WH tries to control flow of info to media News releases, briefings, backgrounders, leaks, media events are ways WH tries to manage info through media. Media and Presidential Campaigns Candidates must be: 1) Telegenic; 2) TV makes it easier to become well-known; 3) TV has encouraged celebrities to enter politics. -Mass media have changed nominating process by focusing attention on winners and losers rather than issues. Congress and the Media Setting the Public Agenda