October 19, 2018 WESTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 1
What is Comprehensive Sexuality Education? * 2
What is Get Real Middle School? Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works is a middle school program for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders that delivers accurate, age-appropriate information and emphasizes healthy relationship skills and family involvement. Get Real empowers parents to communicate their values about sexual health and staying healthy. Most lessons have a take-home family activity to encourage ongoing conversations between students and the caring adults in their lives. * 3
Get Real Curriculum Foundation Framed in Social and Emotional Learning, emphasizing the importance of relationship skills, effective communication and responsible decision-making Mapped to National Sex Education Standards and National Health Education Standards Mapped to Massachusetts State Health Education Standards: Standard 1 – Human Growth and Development Standard 3 – Emotional and Mental Health Standard 4 – Social Health Standard 5 – Disease Transmission Standard 8 – Violence Prevention and Resource Utilization Based on current research that shows effectiveness of long-term, comprehensive sexuality education programs * 4
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) SEL is the theoretical foundation of Get Real. The curriculum focuses on the following 5 SEL life skills. Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision-making * 5
Family and Community Involvement Get Real supports parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children You have the right to exempt your child from the unit of instruction and an alternative unit will be developed for him or her. Most lessons have a take-home family activity, complete with resources for parents Students are directed to trusted adults in their lives and resources in their community * 6
Implementation Timeline 8th Grade will be covering the material during their Health rotation within Physical Education 6th and 7th grade will be covering the material after in the new year * 7
Weston Middle School Curriculum Adaptation Use of community data Knowledge of community norms Past practices Alignment with high school curriculum Class variation / modification
Grade 6 Unit Outline CREATING THE CLASSROOM CLIMATE COMMUNICATION AND Create group rights and responsibilities Communicate with peers about sexuality Identify an adult with whom the student can talk about sexuality COMMUNICATION AND REFUSAL SKILLS Demonstrate use of skills for effective communication Name reasons why assertive communication is important Demonstrate refusal skills in role-play RELATIONSHIPS AND BOUNDARIES Identify characteristics of a healthy relationship Establish personal boundaries and identify consequences of crossing others' boundaries Rehearse responses to inappropriate behavior MALE ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION Identify key parts of the anatomy Discuss the connection between anatomy and reproduction Explain how pregnancy occurs FEMALE ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION Define menstrual cycle Explain the link between menstrual cycle and reproduction PUBERTY Identify emotional and physical changes of puberty for males and females Address values around abstinence and sex Discuss links between anatomy and puberty Discuss emerging sexual feelings and the difference between sexual feelings and sexual readiness * 9
Grade 7 Unit Outline CREATING THE CLASSROOM CLIMATE Create group rights and responsibilities Communicate with peers about sexuality Identify an adult with whom the student can talk about sexuality MALE ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION Identify key parts of the anatomy Discuss the connection between anatomy and reproduction Explain how pregnancy occurs FEMALE ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION Define menstrual cycle Explain the link between menstrual cycle and reproduction PUBERTY Identify emotional and physical changes of puberty for males and females Address values around abstinence and sex Discuss links between anatomy and puberty Discuss emerging sexual feelings and the difference between sexual feelings and sexual readiness
Grade 7 Unit Outline continued MEDIA LITERACY AND SEXUALITY Identify myths surrounding sexual behavior Identify ways in which the media promotes myths Name types of media Explain the relationship between media and consumerism Categorize ads as promoting healthy or unhealthy behaviors SEXUAL IDENTITY Identify myths and facts surrounding sexual orientation Explain the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity Discuss LGBTQ issues respectfully CREATING A SAFE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Discuss the motivations of bullies and consequences of bullying Clarify personal values around bullying and harassment Brainstorm ways to be an ally to people who are different from oneself
Grade 8 Unit Outline CREATING THE CLASSROOM CLIMATE Create group rights and responsibilities Communicate with peers about sexuality Identify an adult with whom the student can talk about sexuality DECIDING ABOUT SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Review of Reproductive Anatomy List types of sexual behavior Explain possible outcomes of sexual behaviors Discuss how values affect sexual decision making Discuss nonsexual activities for dating Examine what qualities are important to students in a dating relationship DEFINING AND MAINTAINING ABSTINENCE Define abstinence and postponement Identify reasons why abstinence is a healthy choice for teens Identify links between abstinence and goals Practice and demonstrate refusal skills relation to abstinence Explain the relationship between drug and alcohol use and abstinence REFUSAL SKILLS Reflect on hearing a first hand story of living with HIV Model, rehearse and demonstrate refusal skills in sexual contexts Discuss feelings of characters in scenarios and challenges to communication GOALS AND DECISION MAKING Consider goals for the future Describe how sexual decision making can create an unplanned situation that affects future goals.
Thank you for your time Exemptions are due by Monday, October 22nd to Carrie Rainville-Collins at the Middle School. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.