Sandboxes: Building Safe Places to Explore & Make Mistakes Learning 2018
Our Problem Multiple audiences Technical Developers – write code all day Don’t want to be told what to do Technical Manager – manage coders, can write some code Think they can code, but need to be successful Buyers – Business level decision makers Don’t waste their time explaining things they don’t care about Product is “powerful” – so not easy to learn in 7 minutes Not all of the benefits are obvious until you play with them Explain the audiences, even different types of developers (Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, etc) “Powerful” = complex (shhhh!)
Learn/Play/Build Model Initially designed as a progression Learn = videos and courses – more structured Play = activities and exercises – guided, but open for exploration Build = unstructured and open – links to additional support
Quick Video/Demo View the InterSystems IRIS Experience site
What have we learned? 71% would prefer some guided steps Most people did not know what to do in our empty sandbox 80% didn’t need examples in their domain (moderately prefer, don’t care) All over the place on starting preference Start with Play, and learn as you go if needed Some like structure and want to learn and be successful Start with Build, but quickly go backwards to figure out what to do People say “I just want a sandbox to play”, but when they get there, it is empty and there is nothing to play with. They wander around a bit and then typically get lost and give up. So we needed to give them options to quickly/easily do something to help them get going. Two different personas Need to use the product (and don’t know it), so willing to start at learn and progress (will invest time) Developer/Evaluator – very technical. Wants to get hands on as soon as possible. Assumes they should start in the sandbox, so just give them small steps to get going, but then get out of their way. They will come back and learn as needed.
What is next Building “QuickStarts” for Build Get going on a topic in 5 minutes Faster intros More info on their choices Why pick one over the other? How long will they take? What knowledge is required? Using xAPI to track activity within sandboxes May change names of steps to match common terms
Discussion and Q&A What models have been successful for you? What other free-form experiences do you design/incorporate? What elements are key to making a “safe place” to learn? How do you balance guidance and safety with space to experiment?
Feel free to play with our experiences Thank You! Feel free to play with our experiences