Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice Prejudice is a system of negative beliefs, feelings, and action-orientations regarding a certain group or groups of people.
Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice Prejudice- means “prejudgment”, and unjustifiable and usually negative attitude toward a group--often a different cultural, ethnic or gender group. It is a mixture of beliefs (overgeneralized - stereotypes), emotions (hostility, envy, or fear), and predispositions to action (to discriminate).
Prejudice and Discrimination Psychology of Prejudice The psychology of prejudice examines the subjective state of individuals, noting three levels of prejudice: Cognitive Emotional Action-orientation Some possible causes are self-justification, personality, and frustration aggression
Prejudice and Discrimination Psychology of Prejudice Cognitive- person’s beliefs and perceptions of group as threatening/non-threatening, inferior/ equal, seclusive/intrusive, impulse gratifying, acquisitive, or possessing positive or negative characteristics Emotional - feelings that a minority group arouses in an individual Action-orientation - positive or negative predisposition to engage in discriminatory behavior.
Prejudice and Discrimination Psychology of Prejudice Self-Justification- denigrating a person or group to justify maltreatment of them, leading to prejudice and discrimination against members of another group Authoritarian personality - harsh parental discipline, child tends to be insecure and nurture much latent hostility against the parent. As an adult, may demonstrate displaced aggression against a powerless group to compensate for their feelings of insecurity and fear. Frustration - result of relative deprivation in which expectations remain unsatisfied
Prejudice and Discrimination Sociology of Prejudice The sociology of prejudice examines the objective conditions of society as social forces behind prejudiced attitudes. Some possible causes are-- Socializations Competition Conformity to social norms
Prejudice and Discrimination Stereotype A stereotype is an overcomplicated generalization by which we attribute certain traits or characteristics to any person in a group without regard to individuals differences. Once established, stereotypes are difficult to eradicate, as several studies have shown.
Prejudice and Discrimination Ethnophaulisms Ethnophaulisms are derogatory words or expressions used to describe racial or ethnic groups. Ethnic humor is often at the expense of a particular group, but may also serve to strengthen group cohesiveness, dissociate oneself from stereotypes of one’s group, or affirm oneself by pointing out the absurdity of one’s predicaments..
Prejudice and Discrimination Social Prejudice Television plays a major roll in shaping attitudes and perceptions. Studies find television usually perpetrates stereotypes as well as reaffirming viewer attitudes. One study showed one-fourth of respondents believed TV depicted reality and influenced their racial and ethnic attitudes
Prejudice and Discrimination Social Prejudice Greater interaction and education do not necessarily reduce the level of prejudice in a society. Use of cooperative learning technique in a classroom setting has demonstrated an effective means of promoting better intergroup understanding and self-esteem
Prejudice and Discrimination Discrimination Discrimination is an action or practice of differential and unequal treatment of other groups of people, usually along racial, religious, or ethnic levels.
Prejudice and Discrimination Discrimination Like prejudice, discrimination also exists at different levels of intensity: Verbal expression Avoidance Exclusion Physical abuse Extermination
Prejudice and Discrimination Ethnoviolence Ethnoviolence is a new term describing a wide range of behavior against a particular group. Merton explains how social-situational variables can influence the relationship between prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice and Discrimination Ethnoviolence The International Scence boxed feature discusses institutional discrimination against the Irish in Northern Ireland. (pg. 101) Think about what must be done to lessen the prejudice and discrimination that sow the seeds of violence in Northern Ireland.
Prejudice and Discrimination Affirmative Action From its origins in 1941 through the present, affirmative action programs have been controversial. Supreme Court rulings in the late 1970’s and 1980’s upheld the principle of affirmative action but since 1989, a more conservative court has been ruling against ‘race-conscious remedies’.
Prejudice and Discrimination Affirmative Action Evidence about the program’s success is mixed. Minority group opponents call affirmative action ‘misplaced condescension’ that has poisoned race relations. Negative public opinion polls and proposed legislation suggest the real possibility of significant changes to come.
Prejudice and Discrimination What is prejudice? What are some of its manifestations. What are some of the possible causes of prejudice? What role do the media play in combating or reinforcing stereotypes? What is discrimination? What are some of its manifestations? What is the relationship between prejudice and discrimination? Discuss the pros and cons of affirmative action.