The 'perfect' lesson Every lesson needs an aim, objectives (know/understand/Be able to) and outcome Aim = what you're going to do in the lesson. e.g. To study World War One literature Objective = Know - what happens in the poem Outcomes = How you are going to do it. e.g. Annotate a poem identifying poetic devices & references to WW1
However... All students must achieve something in the lesson therefore the outcomes need to be differentiated into categories & levelled for the task with national curriculum levels... e.g P pass - Annotate a poem identifying references to WW1 = Level 4 pass - Annotate a poem identifying poetic devices & references to WW1 = Level 5 merit - Annotate a poem identifying poetic devices & references to WW1 & explain the effect of techniques on the reader = Level 6 Distinction - Annotate a poem identifying poetic devices & references to WW1 & explain the effect of techniques on the reader AND COMMENT ON WHY THE WRITER USED THEM = Level 7
Task: P pass - Will be able to describe using one adjective (level 4c) Read the outcomes & the sample answer. What level would this piece be & why? P pass - Will be able to describe using one adjective (level 4c) Pass - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3 & adverbs (level 5c) Merit - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3, adverbs & similes (level 6c) Distinction- Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3, adverbs, similes & REFER TO THE 5 SENSES (level 7)
Tony Blair is sporting a new, crisp, black suit. He is talking Adjective = describe P pass - Will be able to describe using one adjective (level 4c) Pattern of 3 = 3 describing words Pass - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3 & adverbs (level 5c) Adverbs = describe how you do something Merit- Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3, adverbs & similes (level 6c) Simile = compares one object to another with the word 'like' or 'as' Distinction - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3, adverbs, similes & REFER TO THE 5 SENSES Personification = an object does a human action / has a human feeling Example: Tony Blair is sporting a new, crisp, black suit. He is talking pleadingly to the nation. He is known for being an inspirational leader of the Labour Party.
It's your turn!!! Adjective = describe Pattern of 3 = 3 describing words Adverbs = describe how you do something Simile = compares one object to another with the word 'like' or 'as' P pass- Will be able to describe using one adjective (level 4c) Pass - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3 & adverbs (level 5c) G&T - Will be able to describe using personification Merit - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3, adverbs & similes (level 6c) Distinction - Will be able to describe using a pattern of 3, adverbs, similes & REFER TO THE 5 SENSES
Padlet – easy way to show what the students have learnt Padlet – easy way to show what the students have learnt. If you’ve not used it, ask and we have time to got through it.
Socrative – Quiz to see how students are progressing in your lesson Socrative – Quiz to see how students are progressing in your lesson. If you are unsure how to use it, ask as we have time to go through it.
Behaviour strategies. Using pupils to reward others
Use students to: Award achievement points in your lesson. Allow them to circulate to justify their decisions based on: behaviour/ attitude to learning the work produced. Report back with their decisions & nominate the next person to award the achievement points.
Further development Use in group work, where each group nominates which member they think deserves the achievement points and justify their decision. As a result of justifying their decisions, students’ reasoning skills improve and this can be applied to their written work.
Now it’s your turn! Spend some time planning some quick tasks that check progress in lessons or make AfL fun in class.
Marking for Literacy