The relation between Human behavior and the built environment. Built environments have two facets, Social Conditions and Spatial Conditions Social : Relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people. social interaction, and engagement. Spatial: Relating to the physical properties of built environments such as the Space, area, size, the locations and positioning of objects and information. Built environments : are the settings within which people carry out activities in a spatial conditions with specific social content for the setting. The social content and the spatial conditions form a core-defining relationship that serves as one structured setting is a essence of built environment. People engage in a series of interrelated and routine activities that comprise their daily behavior. They perform these activities in structured settings with regularity and predictability For Example : we go to work, go to school, shop for groceries, get our hair cut, or take our children to daycare. We go to work or school using transportation systems and spend our workday in a work place that is different from where we go to purchase groceries or have a haircut. We do so routinely and without much thought or consideration of the association between our activity and the setting.
Designers at a minimum must: Identify the social-spatial co-relationship of built environments, Select design schemes that are consistent with the social-spatial co relationship, and Construct built environments that afford expected behaviors through proper translation of social content of a situation into the spatial conditions of that setting. If designers do not adhere to the above principles of the environmental design process, they risk in producing environmental designs that prompt confusion, disorder, and frustration among users of the built environment. People identify a setting because of the successful, or logical relating of social content with spatial conditions through environmental design. For example, decisions made in the design of the built environment concerning what materials and building systems are used can have far-reaching effects on the natural environment as well as on the health and wellbeing of the building users. Also, the way a building is planned determines human access to or views of the natural environment while inside the building, which also affects human health and wellbeing
Learning the Built Environment for Daily Living
Impact of built environment on human health and wellbeing It is increasingly recognized that PLACE and SPACE have an impact on human health and wellbeing and that individual actions to improve lifestyle or health status are likely to be influenced by the environmental and socioeconomic context in which they take place. The built environment, as described here, Includes the physical structures engineered and designed by people, including the places in which people work, live, play and socialize . Also important are the connections between these spaces, including the built infrastructure and a range of natural features. The built environment includes several material determinants of health, such as: Housing, Neighbourhood conditions and Transport routes, all of which shape the social, economic and environmental conditions for which good health is dependent. Within urban areas, the imaginative integration of built and natural features can help to create environments which are unique and interesting enough for people to lead varied and healthy lives
Negative effects on Social environments Fewer and weaker social networks Social fragmentation and the loss of social cohesion urban sprawl increases the social stratification of communities, which can negatively affect levels of trust and undermine social capital . The dislocation between work, home and amenities increasing time spent in cars. Excess car use and the absence of local amenities can diminish the role of communities in enabling social activity to take place. areas of socioeconomic disadvantage often suffer due to the poor quality or unequal distribution of resources like parks, recreation and sports facilities Positive effects on Social environments (Or) what is a good Neighborhood (OR) How to improve public health or mental health of people Neighbourhood design that is likely to promote social networks is generally diverse, Pedestrian-oriented, Good public spaces such as parks to enable opportunities for socialising. The sense of community between residents in close proximity, Feelings of safety Having a strong, supportive social network is important for maintaining mental wellbeing Well maintained, distinctive, attractive and safe-feeling public spaces. Connectivity, density and land use mix The built environment is a key location for physical activity to take place , with attractive well-designed and connected public spaces and streetscapes increasing levels of active travel . Taking regular physical activity can improve mental health CONTINUED…..
The availability and accessibility of… Parks, Recreation and Sports facilities strongly influence physical activity levels of the people, Walkable neighborhoods ‘Walkable’ neighborhoods are generally characterized by High population density, Different types of land use, High connectivity (e.g. easy routes between destinations), Good pedestrian and cycling facilities (well-maintained pavements, cycle routes, traffic calming measures), Good accessibility (easily-reached destinations or facilities, greenspace, and transport links) high levels of physical activity . Places which enable people to carry out daily routines (e.g. shopping, banking, exercising, meeting people) within walking distance of their homes are likely to have higher levels of walking and cycling. In urban areas, walking and cycling can be incorporated into daily routines to replace unnecessary short distance car journeys.