Who was to blame for the start of the Cold War? L/O: To revise the causes of the Cold War in order to write a balanced essay. THE USA THE USSR BOTH SIDES NO ONE IT WAS INEVITABLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpYCplyBknI
EVENT WHAT HAPPENED? SUMMARY BLAME? E.G. USA, USSR, NO ONE, BOTH Why you think this Relations at end of WW2 Different ideologies Yalta and Potsdam Soviet take over of Eastern Europe Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid Berlin Blockade Nato and the Warsaw Pact
So who was to blame? THE USA THE USSR BOTH SIDES NO ONE IT WAS INEVITABLE In what ways was the USA to blame for the Cold War? In what ways was the USSR to blame? Do you think overall the war was inevitable or that both sides were to blame? THINK about these questions! You now have a structure for an essay! Title: “The Cold War was caused by the Soviet take over of Eastern Europe.” How far do you agree with this statement?
Title: “The Cold War was caused by the Soviet take over of Eastern Europe.” How far do you agree with this statement? Agree: A paragraph on the take over of eastern Europe and the extent to which you think this caused the war. Diagree: Other factors to consider; ideologies, berlin blockade, Yalta and Potsdam etc (BUT REMEMBER: DID THE SOVIET TAKE OVER CAUSE ANY OF THESE OTHER EVENTS TO HAPPEN?) Conclusion: EXTENT to which you agree with the statement.