The First Year Review Action Plan National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools. Action Plan
Purpose of the First Year Review To check on the progress that has been made since the last FCC Visitation. To verify that the faculty and staff know and understand the Action Plan goals and the steps that are going to be taken to achieve those goals.
First Year Review Guidelines No written report is necessary Power Point will serve as documentation. Oral report presented by a variety of staff members Review all rubric scores that the team disagreed with and explain what steps you have taken or will be taking as a result of the team disagreeing with your score. Provide evidence that your faculty and staff understand the Action Plan. Do not read the presentation. Notes are fine.
The First Year Review 30 - 45 minutes Multiple staff members including administration and classroom teachers Keep it simple and interesting. Be proud of what you have accomplished! Entire faculty must be present
I applaud you for your amazing commitment to Catholic Education!