Predicted global adspend by medium, 2014 $USbn, 2014. Total adspend is $US555bn Source: Warc Data Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
Global TV adspend, 2005-2014 US$bn, yr-on-yr % change shown in bars. Figures for 2013 and 2014 are forecasts Source: Warc Data Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
TV media inflation forecast by country, 2014 Estimated % change in cost per thousand, 2014 Source: Warc's Media Inflation Forecast, November 2013 Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
TV marketing budgets by global region, January 2012 – January 2014 Above 50 = generally improving; below 50 = generally declining Source: Warc's Global Marketing Index, January 2014 Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
Predicted TV adspend by key market, 2014 US$bn. Total TV adspend $152bn Source: Warc's International Ad Forecast, October 2013 Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
TV adspend forecast by key market, 2014 Yr-on-yr % change at current prices Source: Warc's International Ad Forecast, October 2013 Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
Non-traditional TV viewing by type of device, 2013 % share. Based on a study of 662 adults in the UK Source: Screenlife: TV in Demand, Thinkbox, July 2013 Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view
Non-traditional TV viewing by location, 2013 % share. Based on a study of 662 adults in the UK Source: Screenlife: TV in Demand, Thinkbox, July 2013 Extracted from Adstats: Television adspend To click through to article, use Slide Show view