Encouraging reuse and repair in Aberdeenshire Pass it on Encouraging reuse and repair in Aberdeenshire
Working with social enterprise Historical Events and Working with social enterprise Give and Take days Re use & Repair – at various Recycling Center’s – bike amnesty 2018 Schools & Library talks Re-use containers in conjunction with local partners : The New Hope Trust (Stella’s Voice), BEAT & Magpie https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/waste/household-rubbish/reuse-schemes-and-charities/
Insert header here, over one or two lines Insert body text here. Here is an example of how an image can be placed in situ with text.
Social Media / ZWS Tool Kits Rebecca Duncan – Comms Assistant Example bullet point here
Re use connect Nom Wright – Community Waste Officer – Garioch
Thank you Marie, Becca & Nom aberdeenshire.gov.uk