Agenda item 7b Implementation of the Provisions of the SNA 2008 in the Practice of the CIS Countries CIS-STAT Workshop on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA, Kiev, 29 November – 2 December 2011
Implementation of new elements of the SNA 2008 in the practice of the CIS countries envisages the conduct of the work in two directions (1): 1. Preparation of methodological materials, describing the content of the new elements of the SNA 2008, some of which are of conceptual character and are not represented in the structure of the SNA 1993: description of the methods for the calculation of new indicators description of the methods for the calculation of new elements of traditional indicators explanatory description of the impact of new methods on the main macroeconomic indicators of the SNA
Implementation of new elements of the SNA 2008 in the practice of the CIS countries envisages the conduct of the work in two directions (2): 2. Work on the provision of primary data for the calculation of new elements of the SNA 2008, which involves: the need for harmonization of certain provisions of the 2008 SNA with other related systems of macroeconomic statistics (PP and GF statistics) strengthening cooperation of statistical services with other economic agencies responsible for the development of the mentioned related systems of macroeconomic statistics, such as the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance.
Priority Topics for the nearest perspective CIS-STAT considers as priority the following topics at the first stage of the work: Output of the Central Bank Expenditures on armaments systems Financial intermediary services indirectly measured (FISIM) Expenditures on research and development
Provision of interaction between CIS-STAT and statistical services of the CIS countries aimed at the implementation of the SNA 2008 This interaction will be implemented in accordance with the following scheme: Preparation of draft documents on selected issues by CIS-STAT jointly with the statistical services of the CIS countries Discussion of them at Scientific Council under CIS-STAT Obtaining comments and proposals from statistical services of the CIS countries on the projects sent to them Discussion of the documents at periodically convened meetings of experts of statistical services of the CIS countries on the SNA problems Preparation of the final texts of the documents Introduction of agreed methodology into the practice of the countreis
Target of the first stage of the work The ultimate target of the first stage of the work is that in calculating GDP national statistical services of the countries could introduce into the existing methodology a number of important provisions of the 2008 SNA that affect the quality of statistical indicators characterizing: dimension structure dynamics of GDP
Execution of the work relating to introduction of the SNA 2008 along with the work on completion of the introduction of individual sections of the SNA 1993 These sections include: balance sheets financial account account of other changes in assets improvement of calculations of indicators for general government sector questions of the improvement of deflator methodology for calculation of SNA indicators in constant prices