My view on STIMULATE Evaluation by Molach Woldemichael
About myself Molach Weldemichael Maryea Working at the Library of Mekelle University, PO Box 231 Mekelle, Ethiopia
About STIMULATE A three months training in Belgium sponsored by VLIR At the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Contents : Information Management e.g. using ISIS- database software family and Greenstone Webpages authoring -Quantitative methods and bibliometrics -Internet searching methods
Suggestions for improvement Accomodation : expensive and bad quality of connection in end-of-corridor rooms Suggestion : to discuss with the management of Erasmus about connection and more kitchen equipment, TV-room separate Study materials : expensive (100 euro) Suggestion : make us pay less for the materials
Strong points of the programs contents Classes in Jette campus very near the rooms, (Etterbeek is difficult to reach) Very interesting visits with good travel arrangements – we want more of this !
Best components The visits – all of them were very nice ! And also interesting as they allowed to learn more about the country. Most interesting classes : webpages editing ISIS
Not so good components Statistics Lecturing too fast Difficult use of calculator Internet searching Unclear lecturing Difficult assignment, insufficiently prepared during class
Recommendations for my own library Building a digital library with our own documents using Greenstone software already planned Improving connectivity to the Internet as we have seen how powerful it can be as an information resource