GFOI Space Data Needs and Issues INDONESIA SDCG-9 Frascati, Italy February 2016
Landsat and other high-res satellite images What space-based data is being used for forest management purposes in your country? How is that data acquired, processed and managed in your country? Landsat and other high-res satellite images Multiple international archives covering Indonesia (e.g. GISTDA, GeoScience, USGS, NASA, LAPAN) Processed through LCCA program (LAPAN) with further analysis by Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) Managed by LAPAN and MoEF SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4th – 6th 2015
Annual time series analysis (historical – current time periods) What is the scope of your data use? Are you using data for wall-to-wall maps, test sites, specific time periods? National coverage Wall-to-wall Annual time series analysis (historical – current time periods) SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4th – 6th 2015
What new space-based data is desired? Extending the annual data (continuing with Landsat and possibly other optical data streams) Some pre-processed data (e.g. cloud masking, ortho rectified, terrain corrected) SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4th – 6th 2015
Understanding the process Integration of multiple datasets What are the challenges and issues with acquiring and making use of space-based data where GFOI and the CEOS Space Data Coordination Group (SDCG) can help? Time stamping Understanding the process Integration of multiple datasets Efficiency of the process SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4th – 6th 2015