Acadiana Load Pocket Project
Project Background Summer of 2002 Summer of 2005 Summer of 2007 load growth, changes to generation dispatch in the Acadiana Load Pocket (ALP) and reduced ratings on lines which were damaged during Hurricane Lili result in TLR’s with in the ALP Summer of 2005 Wells Substation was built which provided an additional source to the ALP and provided more import capability into the ALP Summer of 2007 Company specific imports are established which reduce the number of TLR level 5’s
Project Background Continued SPP coordinates a joint planning effort with Cleco, Entergy and LUS Group evaluates multiple options to fix reliability concerns and provide possible economic benefits In January 2009 Cleco, Entergy, LUS reach agreement on a project to be built with each party having some responsibility for the construction.
ALP Reliability Concerns Difficult to perform maintenance on transmission system even during off peak conditions (N-2) Catastrophic loss of Teche 3 Operationally the configuration is N-1,G-1 Rolling blackouts within the ALP Voltage concerns 2012 N-1 Summer Peak overloads with all generation in the ALP online. Rolling blackouts within the ALP.
ALP Project
Reliability Benefits Plans the ALP to N-1, G-1 which will prevent load shed in the event of a extended outage on Teche 3 or Bonin 3. Creates additional 230 kV sources into the ALP which will provide maintenance and operational flexibility.
Economic Benefits Majority of economic benefit will be in fuel cost savings for Cleco and LUS who currently have must run requirements on generation within the ALP during certain times of the year.
Construction Time line
Construction Time line
Construction Time line
Construction Time line
Construction Time line