a packet of crisps a packet of…
crisps a packet of crisps
a bottle of …
I want…… .
a packet of ____s a bottle of____ biscuit apple hamburger mooncake orange pear banana pineapple strawberry(ies) a bottle of____ water Sprite tea coffee juice 7-up milk
As fast as you can
small large
a large packet of… a small packet of …
a large packet of … … small packets of …
What do you need? large or small
What can you buy? ¥3 ¥1 ¥2 I can buy…
You have got 10 yuan. What can you buy? 250ml ¥3 500ml ¥5
a tin of two cartons of
Two large packets of crisps, please. Here you are. Seven yuan, please. How much are they?
...,please. Here you are How much is it? …yuan, please Large: 15yuan Small: 8yuan Large: 7yuan Small: 4yuan Large: 6yuan Small: 3yuan Large: 5yuan Small: 3yuan Large: 11yuan Small: 6yuan Large: 10yuan Small: 7yuan
show time
Reading different people, different food Yao Ming is a sportsman(运动员). He plays basketball very well. He is tall and strong. He eats a lot of(许多) fruits and vegetables(蔬菜)and milk. He eats some meat and fish. He eats a little(一点点) ice-cream and chocolate. They are ballerinas(芭蕾舞演员).They are very thin. They eat a lot of vegetables and some fruits. They eat some fish and a little meat. They never(从不) eat ice-cream, crisps, sweets and chocolate. They are sumotoris(相扑运动员). They are very fat. They eat some vegetables and fruits. They eat a lot of meat and fish. They eat plenty of (大量的)fat(肥肉), sweets and chocolate.
True or False Basket players eat a lot of fish and meat every day. 2. Ballerinas eat a lot of vegetables and some chocolates. 3. Sumotoris eat plenty of fat, sweets and chocolate.