All About Me This PowerPoint is all about me including my name age the subjects I do in school my hobbies, interests, work experience, sports and a we bit about myself.
Name, Age And Subjects Hi my name is Eimear McKearney and I am 15 years old. The subjects I have chosen this year for my GCSES are… BTEC ICT BTEC SPORT BTEC BUISNESS STUDIES CHILD DEVLOPMENT
Achievements and Work Experience In my four years of high school in St Patricks High School keady I have achieved a lot of things including a certificate of full year attendance in year 9 but outside of school I have achieved so much more such as an ulster medal and fundraising for Marie curie support team rising almost £11.000 by cutting 7” off my hair for princess trust over in England. For work experience I have done a weeks work with children at the cul camps and am currently working at my local GAA club helping with different organizations.
Hobbies and Interests The hobbies I enjoy doing in my spare time world be a local youth club I am involved with. My interests at the moment would be sports, dancing and helping others when they need it, such as if a family member is sick or my wee sisters with homework.
Sport The different sports I enjoy doing are two local sports all my friends also enjoy. Such as Camogie and girls Gaelic football. I have been playing both sports since I was the age of 5 almost 10 years ago and I still enjoy every bit of the two sports I do.